Section 3358:17-25-01 - Compensation and related benefitsCompensation, as used in this manual, is an inclusive term which shall refer to salary or wages plus all fringe benefits. Salary and wages shall be defined as direct monetary payment for services rendered. In the cases where regularly scheduled part-time employees are granted benefits, the benefits apply only if the employee is regularly scheduled to work a minimum of twenty hours per week.
(A) Compensatry time. The compensatory time policy includes the following considerations:
(1) Non-exempt employees must be paid for all hours worked. Any hours worked beyond forty hours in a work week (hourly work week is Sunday through Saturday) must be compensated at time-and-one-half the normal hourly rate. Employees have discretion in being paid overtime for actual hours worked or can bank the overtime hours to be used as compensatory time. Example: Non-exempt employee works forty-four hours in one pay period -- He/she opts to bank the overtime instead of being paid time -- and-a-half -- The employee can bank six hours (four hours times 1.5). The maximum number of hours that may be accrued is two hundred and forty. Any hours over two hundred and forty must be paid as cash overtime. Compensatory time must be used in the fiscal year in which it is earned; however, forty hours may be carried over to the next fiscal year with the remaining balance paid out in the next or following pay period. Non-exempt employees who receive approval from the college to work during an emergency/weather closure will earn time-and-a-half for the hours they actually work during the closure period. If the college is open, no overtime or compensatory time will be earned or accrued.
(2) Non-exempt employees must apply to use compensatory time by completing a leave request form which is signed by the appropriate supervisor. Supervisors must grant use of compensatory time within a reasonable period that will not unduly interrupt the normal business operation of the department or division.(3) Upon termination of employment or reclassification of a non-exempt employee, all accrued unused compensatory time must be paid out within the last or following pay period.(B) Salaries recommended by the president. Salaries for administrative, instructional, and support Staff employees shall be recommended by the president and approved by the board of trustees. The president's salary shall be established by the board of trustees. The following shall be used as guidelines in the determination of salaries and wages for full-time and part-time personnel:
(1) Entry employment salaries and wages shall be based on the salary and wage schedule of the college which takes into consideration the education and experience of the candidate.(2) Recommendations for subsequent salaries shall be presented by the president to the board of trustees.(C) Part-time instructional salaries. (1) Part-time faculty are paid according to the payment schedule for part-time and overload instructional employees.(2) Instructional employees teaching courses on an independent study basis will be paid one hundred and fifty dollars per student per course. Procedures for offering independent study courses are described in rule 3358:17-60-03 of the Administrative Code. The exceptions to the salary schedule described in paragraph (A) of this rule are music studio courses which consist of private lessons. In these situations the instructor will be paid the flat rate per student enrolled, plus an hourly rate based on the total times scheduled for private lessons. Students enrolling in music studio courses will pay a studio fee in addition to the tuition for the course.(D) Retirement.(1) All employees of the college other than students of the college are required to join the school employees retirement system ("SERS") of Ohio, state teachers retirement system ("STRS") of Ohio, or an alternative retirement plan ("ARP").(2) The college will pay the employee's share of the retirement contribution, up to ten per cent of compensation earned. The college will not pay any of the employee's share of the retirement contribution for Washington state community college work study students and student employees.(E) Insurance.(1) The college will offer medical, vision and dental policies for full-time and regularly scheduled part-time employees and eligible dependents who participate in the group insurance plan.(2) The premiums for the health, vision and dental insurances will be shared by the college and the employee. Regularly-scheduled part-time employees' eligibility commences the beginning of their third year of employment and they share costs according to a schedule on file in the office of human resources.(3) If a full-time employee's hours are involuntarily reduced to regularly scheduled part-time, and such employee has completed two thousand and eighty hours of work, the employee may purchase health, vision or dental insurance and share costs as outlined in paragraph (E)(2) of this rule.Ohio Admin. Code 3358:17-25-01
Effective: 3/21/2015
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3358.04
Rule Amplifies: 3358.04