Ohio Admin. Code 3358:17-20-03

Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 3358:17-20-03 - Faculty workload policy

The following guidelines for faculty workload are aimed at providing equity for both the college and the faculty member consistent with sound educational and economic practices.

(A) Full-time faculty instructional load.

Full-time faculty instructional load shall consist of fourteen to sixteen teaching load units per term or a minimum of thirty teaching load units in total for the academic year (fall and spring terms) where one teaching load unit equals one fifty minute class hour. Faculty will maintain ten office hours per week where at most five may be scheduled by appointment. Some of these office hours may be fulfilled by other required duties. Faculty will spend an additional fourteen to sixteen hours per week in class preparation, class maintenance, and assessment of student academic achievement. Faculty are committed to a forty hour work week.

(B) Non-instructional duties.

Full-time faculty will:

(1) Advise students and assist students during office hours.
(2) Participate actively on at least one committee annually.
(3) Participate in new course and program design.
(4) Perform assessment of students' learning at the college, program and course levels.
(5) Participate in a minimum of three recruiting activities annually (generally from scheduled office hours).
(6) Participate in a total of fourteen days in-service per year: five prior to each term and two following each term plus attending graduation.
(7) Participate in appropriate professional development.
(C) Other duties.

Depending on specific instructional assignments and departmental requirements other duties may include the following:

(1) Learning new technology or software;
(2) Teaching independent studies;
(3) Team teaching;
(4) Mentoring faculty;
(5) Overseeing internships, directed practice, clinicals or practicums;
(6) Participating in program accreditation and program approvals;
(7) Performing lab maintenance or lab preparations;
(8) Supervising studio hours;
(9) Working on special projects (may include community service as appropriate to the discipline);
(10) Participating in grant writing.
(D) Other hours.

In addition to teaching duties, each full-time faculty member will maintain a minimum of ten (clock) hours per week for student conferences and noninstructional duties. Up to five of those office hours may be by appointment. In general, department chairs and program directors will schedule a total of fourteen to eighteen office hours and on-campus time in addition to their teaching duties. A schedule of office hours will be posted outside of the faculty member's office and provided to the division administrative assistant by the end of the first week of classes each term. In special cases, a portion of this time may be scheduled at other instructional sites (clinical sites, off-site course locations, etc.). With the permission of the academic dean, some of the scheduled on-campus time may be used for college related, off-campus activities (science fair judging, recruiting, etc.). Faculty will post any changes in their schedule, including during final exam week.

(E) Practicums.

Faculty who coordinate practicums are expected to visit the student at the practicum site at least once every two weeks during the term. The teaching load units for practicum courses are calculated on a ratio of three students to one teaching load unit for the first twelve students and two students to one teaching load unit for students beyond twelve.

(F) Clinical supervision.

Each fifty minutes of clinical supervision equals one teaching load unit.

(G) Directed practice.

Directors of clinical education/directed practice receive eight teaching load units for directing clinical practice. Duties may include teaching students at clinical site, discussions/quizzes on campus or online, and site visits.

(H) Reduced teaching load duties.

Department chairs will spend fifty per cent of their work load duties dedicated to department administrative duties on a term basis and the other fifty per cent on teaching duties. Program directors will have a reduction in teaching load of six to eight teaching load units per term for administrative purposes. Program coordinators may have a reduction of up to six teaching load units, depending upon the program, for administrative purposes.

The faculty senate president will receive a reduction of three teaching load units per term.

With the approval of the vice president for academic affairs, deans may allow teaching load reductions of up to three teaching load units to compensate for special projects and duties on an as needed, term-by-term basis.

(I) Overloads.

Overload contracts during the fall term will be awarded for any excess of sixteen teaching load units. Overload during the spring term will be awarded once the expected workload of fourteen to sixteen teaching load units for the term is met and the annual minimum workload of thirty teaching load units has been met. Overloads for a partial class will be paid (for example, two of three load units for a particular class may be counted toward overload once the minimum has been met). Faculty may not teach more than six overload units in any term without prior approval by the vice president of academic affairs. Faculty may not teach more than one half of their total load online without the prior approval of the vice president of academic affairs. Full-time faculty who teach classes during the intersession between fall and spring terms will do so as an overload. Full-time faculty on a nine month contract who teach classes during the summer term will do so as an overload.

Ohio Admin. Code 3358:17-20-03

Effective: 3/21/2015
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3358.04
Rule Amplifies: 3358.04