Section 3358:14-9-14 - Federal wards(A) Northwest state community college may receive financial assistance from a donor/grantor agency through the following types of agreements: (1) Grant - a financial assistance award given to the college to carry out its programmatic purpose.(2) Contract - a mutually binding legal agreement where the college agrees to provice supplies or services and the funder agrees to pay for them.(3) Federal assistance received in any of these forms will be referred to as a federal "award."(B) Individual departments are responsible for preparing proposals for projects that the department intends to pursue. However, all proposals shall be reviewed and approved by the department director, chief fiscal and administrative officer, vice president, and the president via the college's review memo process to ensure the program goals are appropriate and the proposed budget includes all appropriate costs.(C) Northwest state community college recognizes that as a recipient of federal funds, the college is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and provisions of contracts and grants.(D) For each grant/award received by Northwest state community college from a federal, state, or local government agency, a master file of documents applicable to the award shall be prepared and maintained. The responsibility for assembling each master file shall be assigned to the grant manager assigned to administer the program.(E) Northwest state community college shall follow the closeout procedures described in 2CFR part 215 and in the grant agreements as specified by the granting agency. Northwest state community college and all subrecipients shall liquidate all obligations incurred under the grant or contract within ninety days of the end of the grant or contract agreement.(F) Northwest state community college charges costs that are reasonable, allowable, and allocable to a federal award directly or indirectly. All allowable costs shall be appropriately segregated from allowable costs in the general ledger in order to assure that unallowable costs are not charged to federal awards.Ohio Admin. Code 3358:14-9-14
Effective: 3/16/2015
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3358
Rule Amplifies: 3358