Section 3358:14-9-06 - Purchasing policy(A) The college will follow a competitive procurement process for the purchase of materials, supplies, equipment, and services necessary for its operations.(B) Expenditures of all college funds from all accounts that are used to purchase materials, supplies, equipment, and services shall be made in accordance with procedures adopted pursuant to this policy.(C) The president and chief fiscal and administrative officer may establish bid limits for goods and services in amounts not to exceed the bid limits established by the state of Ohio.(D) Strict adherence to all applicable federal laws, laws of the state of Ohio, college policies, and sound business practice will be observed.(E) Any commitment made by an employee of the college other than through the procedures adopted pursuant to this policy is the personal responsibility of the person making the purchase.(F) Purchases from a vendor in which a Northwest state community college employee has significant proprietary interest are prohibited unless a full disclosure is presented in accordance with the college procedure.Ohio Admin. Code 3358:14-9-06
Effective: 3/16/2015
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3358
Rule Amplifies: 3358