Section 3358:11-4-22 - Smoke-free and tobacco-free college policy(A) Purpose. The Ohio board of regents has recommended all Ohio public colleges to implement tobacco-free campuses. Health risks, hazards, loss and other detriments associated with tobacco use are well documented. The purpose of this rule is to promote the health and wellness of students, employees and visitors and to enhance the safe and efficient operation of Owens community college by: (1) Improving the quality of the learning environment and by valuing the people who learn, instruct, and work at the college, and those who visit the college;(2) Facilitating the efficient operation of the college by maintaining the safety, cleanliness and appearance of college grounds and buildings.(B) Policy statement. Effective January 1, 2016, Owens community college will be smoke-free and tobacco-free. Smoking and the use of tobacco products are not permitted in any college building, college vehicle, bus, or on college grounds/property owned or controlled by the college. Additionally, the college will not sell or advertise tobacco through any means, including but not limited to, events in college-owned or sponsored media or on college property.
(C) Definitions. (1) Smoking is defined as the act of emitting smoke or vapor; to inhale or exhale smoke/vapor; to burn or to carry any product or device for burning tobacco or any other plant.(2) Tobacco product is defined as any product made, containing or derived from tobacco that is intended for human consumption, including any component, part or accessory of a tobacco product.(3) Second hand smoke/vapor is defined as the smoke/vapor exhaled from the lungs or the mixture of the smoke or vapor from the lit end of a smoking product.(4) Examples of smoking products or use of tobacco products include but are not limited to cigarettes (clove, bidis, kreteks) electronic cigarettes or nicotine vaporizers, cigars, cigarillos, hookah-smoked products, pipes, oral tobacco (spit, spitless, smokeless, chew, snuff) and nasal tobacco (snus). It also includes any product intended to mimic tobacco products, contain tobacco flavoring or deliver nicotine other than for the purpose of cessation.(D) Application. (1) This rule applies to all campuses, satellite locations and property owned or controlled by the college and includes college vehicles and buses.(2) This rule applies to all employees, students, visitors and contractors.(3) Event organizers are responsible for communicating and enforcing this rule to visitors attending events and athletic games on college grounds.(E) Enforcement. Individuals are encouraged and empowered to respectfully advise persons smoking or using tobacco to immediately cease in compliance with the provisions of this rule in an ongoing effort to support smoke-free/tobacco-free individuals, to reduce second hand exposure, to improve the quality of the learning environment and to facilitate the safety, cleanliness and appearance of college grounds and buildings.(F) Disciplinary sanctions and appeals. Students in violation of this rule are subject to rule 3358:11-3-11 of the Administrative Code (student code of conduct). Employees in violation of this rule are subject to rule 3358:11-5-52 of the Administrative Code (standards of conduct and disciplinary procedure).(G) Exceptions. This rule does not apply to smoking cessation products approved by the food and drug administration, which include but are not limited to skin patches, lozenges, gum and prescription medicines.
(H) Implementation. The president or designee shall implement procedures and processes consistent with the provisions of this rule.(I) Effect on prior policy. This rule repeals and supersedes all portions of the Owens community college rule of 3358:11-4-03 of the Administrative Code (smoke-free buildings/vehicles).Ohio Admin. Code 3358:11-4-22
Effective: 1/1/2016
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3358.08
Rule Amplifies: 3358, 08