Section 3358:11-4-20 - College vehicle operation policy(A) Purpose. The purpose of this rule is to provide for the safe operation of college or personal vehicles for college-sanctioned travel or for authorized college purpose.(B) Definition. College vehicles are owned, leased, rented, loaned or controlled by the college. Personal vehicles are privately-owned by individuals who are conducting authorized college business or travel.(C) Application. This rule, associated procedures and laws apply to any college employee, student or independent contractor who is licensed, insured and operates a vehicle for an authorized college purpose.(D) Action. Applicable individuals who are in violation of this rule, associated procedures or laws shall be subject to disciplinary action.(E) Implementation. The designee of the executive vice president for business affairs will implement procedures and forms consistent with the provisions of this rule. Replaces: 3358:11-4-20
Ohio Admin. Code 3358:11-4-20
Effective: 9/30/2011
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3358.08
Rule Amplifies: 3358.08
Prior Effective Dates: 9/30/2011