Section 3357:15-16-10 - College food policy(A) This policy is to provide guidance for the expenditure of general college funds to provide food at college functions. Food as defined in this policy includes coffee, nonalcoholic refreshments and food of any kind. General college funds as defined in this policy include all accounts that derive their funds from the college including all grant accounts. The president's discretionary fund and club agency accounts, for which the college acts only as fiscal agent, are not considered general college funds.(B) Generally, food is regarded as a personal expense of employees for which general college funds may not be expended. However, there are certain college events that promote the general good, public purpose and furtherance of the mission of the college for which general college funds can be expended for food. All purchases of food must be customary, reasonable and appropriate for the event. All purchases of food must receive prior approval by the vice president or executive council member of the requesting department.Ohio Admin. Code 3357:15-16-10
Effective: 6/7/2021
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3357.09
Rule Amplifies: 3357.09
Prior Effective Dates: 10/09/2009, 02/23/2015