Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 3356-7-55 - Search waivers for hiring of faculty and professional/ administrative staff(A) Policy statement. It is the policy of Youngstown state university that institutional employment and diversity goals are best served through a standard search process. However, exceptions to the standard search process may be appropriate in situations where it can be clearly demonstrated that it is in the university's best interest to forgo the standard search process.(B) Scope. This policy applies to faculty and professional/administrative staff vacancies, including externally funded positions (see rules 3356-7-42 and 3356-7-43 of the Administrative Code). The selection of executive and administrative officers of the university is not included within the scope of this policy. (See rules 3356-9-01 and 3356-9-02 of the Administrative Code for the selection of administrative and executive officers.) A search waiver will not be granted when the candidate for employment is a family member of a current university employee. "Family member" is defined in rule 3356-7-26 of the Administrative Code. A request for a search waiver does not waive any human resource or financial requirements for a position.(C) Purpose. To provide a process for requesting a search waiver for fully qualified individuals who can make a unique contribution to the university and its strategic plan.(D) Request criteria. The following information shall be provided in writing when submitting a request for a search waiver. (1) A description of the position, including whether the position is temporary or has an anticipated end date and minimum (and if appropriate) preferred qualifications.(2) Qualifications, credentials and/or skills of the individual that qualify him/her for the position.(3) Likelihood of success in the position (e.g., promotion and tenure, where applicable).(4) Relevance of the hire to the university's strategic priorities.(5) Input of the hiring unit for the requested appointment.(6) Identification of funds to support the position.(7) Rationale for departing from the standard search process presented.(E) Review criteria. The following factors will be considered when determining whether a waiver is in the university's best interests.(1) Whether the position and/or funding are temporary or time limited.(2) The existence of an urgent situation.(3) Whether the proposed hire possesses outstanding and uniquely specialized skills, knowledge, or experience that would otherwise not be available through the standard search process. Experience, skills, or knowledge gained through an interim appointment or temporary assignment of some or all of the duties of the position does not make an individual uniquely qualified for the position.(4) Whether a recent search(es) for the position has lacked a qualified pool of applicants.(5) Previous use of search waivers by the office or department.(6) Other compelling reasons.(F) Procedures. (1) The submission of a search waiver requires the signature of the appropriate divisional officer and the hiring department director/ manager or chairperson.(2) A copy of the potential employee's curriculum vitae, resume and/or other relevant materials must be included with the search waiver request.(3) A request for a search waiver, including all supporting information listed in paragraph (D) of this policy, must be submitted in writing to the chief human resources officer and executive director of equal opportunity, policy development and title IX for review and recommendation. Following this review, the request will be forwarded to the office of the president.(4) Only the president, or designee, is authorized to grant a waiver from the requirement of a standard search.(5) The office of equal opportunity, policy development and title IX will provide information and assistance, as appropriate.(6) The office of equal opportunity, policy development and title IX will provide the board of trustees with a quarterly report on hiring activity under this policy. Replaces: 3356-2-04
Ohio Admin. Code 3356-7-55
Effective: 7/8/2024
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3356.03
Rule Amplifies: 3356.03
Prior Effective Dates: 08/23/2010, 02/06/2012, 02/10/2014, 08/31/2015, 05/21/2017, 10/11/2019, 08/27/2023