Section 3354:1-40-01.1 - Recruitment and selection procedure(A) This procedure covers all college positions other than adjunct faculty positions.(B) The college shall implement and maintain written hiring guidelines that govern the hiring process for all College positions. Hiring guidelines will be available on the office of human resources web page. Hiring guidelines for bargaining unit positions will be subject to the appropriate bargaining unit contract.(C) Positions must be approved and funded prior to the start of the recruitment and selection process.(D) Staffing advisory committees, and interview teams(1) In order to ensure appropriate participation in the selection process, the college will utilize staffing advisory committees ("SACs") or interview teams for open positions, as required in applicable hiring guidelines.(2) The primary function of SACs shall be to recommend candidates for consideration at the next level where two level interviews are included in the hiring process, or for hire where only one level of interview applies. Membership of the SAC should be forwarded to the affirmative action, diversity and vendor relations department for approval to ensure that the membership of the SAC is diverse.(3) Interviews for temporary full-time or part-time non-faculty positions may be conducted by the hiring manager only or by an interview team comprised of two to three members, at least one of whom is knowledgeable about the position prior to appointment. It is preferred that the hiring manager serve on the interview team. Names of interview team members do not have to be submitted and approved by the affirmative action, diversity and vendor relations department.(4) Members of SACs and interview teams should be selected on the basis of their expertise, knowledge of the college's hiring policies and procedures, knowledge of the duties of the vacant position, and diversity.(5) The following additional requirements apply to individual SAC makeup, depending on the nature of the open position: (a) SACs for tenure track faculty will consist of three or four members:(i) An administrator or professional chair will be appointed by the appropriate dean; and(ii) Two or three district-wide faculty members from the discipline of the open position will be appointed by the joint faculty senate council.(b) SACs for lecturer positions will consist of two to four members:(i) An administrator or professional chair appointed by the appropriate dean; and(ii) Up to three campus-based faculty representatives from the discipline of the open position.(c) SACs for full-time administrator, professional or non-bargaining support staff positions will consist of three or four members appointed by the Hiring manager, at least one of whom is knowledgeable of the position prior to appointment.(E) Offers of employment (1) The human resources staffing department will make all written and verbal offers of employment for full-time positions. Such offers will be contingent upon the completion of a satisfactory background check.(2) The appropriate hiring manager will make offers of employment for part-time non-faculty positions.(F) Retirees may apply for post-retirement employment within the college. Retirees will be subject to the same hiring policies and procedures as other applicants. However, retirees are solely responsible for ensuring that their employment at the college does not jeopardize their retirement benefits.(G) The president or the president's designee is hereby directed to take all steps necessary and appropriate for the effective implementation of this procedure. Replaces: part of 3354:1-40-01
Ohio Admin. Code 3354:1-40-01.1
Effective: 12/15/2005
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3354.09
Rule Amplifies: 3354.09
Prior Effective Dates: 12/15/05