Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 3352-88-03 - Classification plan(A) The department of human resources shall establish and may modify or repeal, by rule, a job classification plan for all positions, offices and employments. The department of human resources shall consider in establishing classifications and assigning pay range such factors as duties performed only on one shift, special skills in short supply in the labor market. Recruitment problems, separation rates, comparative salary rates, the amount of training required, and other conditions affecting employment.(B) The department of human resources shall assign a classification title to each classification within the classification plan.(C) The department of human resources shall assign each classification to a pay range established under section 124.15 of the Revised Code.(D) The department of human resources, by rule, shall assign related classifications, which form a career progression, to a classification series.(E) The department of human resources shall assign each classification in the classification plan a five-digit number, the first four digits of which shall denote the classification series to which the classification is assigned. When a career progression includes more than ten classifications, the department of human resources shall, by rule identify the additional classifications belonging to a classification series. Such additional classifications shall be part of the classification series, notwithstanding the fact that the first four digits of the classification number of the additional classifications do not correspond with the first four digits of the classification number assigned to other classifications in the series.
(F) The department of human resources shall group jobs within a classification so that positions are similar enough in duties and responsibilities to be described by the same classification title, to have the same pay range assigned with equity and to have the same qualifications for selection applied.(G) Following are the classes to which the department of human resources shall assign positions within the classified service according to the appendix to this rule. Replaces: 3352-88-03
Ohio Admin. Code 3352-88-03
Effective: 8/28/2006
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3352.03
Rule Amplifies: 3352.03
Prior Effective Dates: 9/15/83, 11/13/04, 8/28/06