Section 3349-7-160 - Vacation leave(A) Purpose To provide a standard vacation rule for all employees of the university in order to ensure that employees maintain a healthy balance between personal life and work related obligations.
(B) Scope This rule applies to full and part time faculty; and to full and part time administrative staff, unclassified hourly staff, and classified civil service employees. This rule does not apply to student employees.
(C) Definitions (1) Consult rule 3349-7-01 of the Administrative Code.(2) Regular rate of pay - is the employee's base rate of pay.(D) Rule statement (1) Vacation leave accrual (a) Unclassified hourly employees and classified civil service employees(i) Each unclassified hourly employee and classified civil service employee shall earn vacation leave in accordance with the following formula. Years of Service | Accrual Formula |
1 - 4 | .03875 x hours paid |
5 - 9 | .05750 x hours paid |
10 - 20 | .07750 x hours paid |
21 or more | .09625 x hours paid |
Vacation leave hours do not accumulate while on an unpaid leave of absence or while receiving paid hours from the sick leave donation pool.
(ii) The employee will be permitted to take accrued vacation leave after completing the probationary period.(iii) A full-time unclassified hourly employee or classified civil service employee earning vacation credits is entitled to have any service with former state of Ohio public employers (state or any political subdivision of the state) counted as service, for the purpose of computing the amount of vacation leave in the formula specified in this paragraph.(b) Faculty and administrative staff All and part time faculty and full and part-time administrative staff shall earn vacation leave in accordance with the following formula.
.085 x hours paid per month
(2) Vacation leave usage (a) Unclassified hourly employee and classified civil service employee Employees are expected to use their accrued vacation leave annually. Employees may accrue vacation leave up to a maximum of three times the amount earned annually. Once the maximum is earned; no further vacation leave may be earned until vacation leave is used.
(b) Faculty and administrative staff (i) Employees are expected to use their accrued vacation leave annually. Any accrued and unused vacation leave up to a maximum of three hundred fifty-two hours may be carried forward to the following fiscal year. Any accrued and unused vacation leave in excess of three hundred fifty-two hours must be used by the end of the fiscal year or will be forfeited.(ii) The use of vacation leave may be authorized in advance of accrual upon approval of the immediate supervisor and the director of human resources.(c) If an employee takes vacation leave during a week in which there is a paid holiday, the employee need not record the holiday as vacation leave.(d) Vacation leave shall be subject to approval of the immediate supervisor to minimize interruption of service.(e) With the approval of the immediate supervisor, an employee may extend a vacation leave for which no accumulated time is available, by taking leave without pay in accordance with the university's rules on leave of absence without pay.(3) Vacation payout (a) Unclassified hourly employees and classified civil service employees Payment for accrued, but unused vacation shall be made upon separation from the service to the university, or upon death of the employee. Such payment will be made in a lump sum based on the regular rate of pay at separation for the number of hours accrued but unused. Vacation leave payout is subject to the maximum of three times the annual accrual amount.
(b) Faculty and administrative staff Payment for accrued, but unused vacation leave shall be made upon separation from service to the university, or upon death of the employee. Such payment will be made in a lump sum based on the regular rate of pay at separation for accrued, but unused vacation leave, subject to a maximum of one hundred seventy-six hours. (c) In the event of an employee's death, the vacation leave payout will be made to the employee's estate.(d) The payout for accrued but unused vacation for employees will be made at the next regularly scheduled by-weekly or monthly paycheck following the employee's death or separation from the university.Ohio Admin. Code 3349-7-160
Effective: 5/18/2023
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 111.15
Rule Amplifies: 3350.12
Prior Effective Dates: 10/28/2010