Chapter 3349-10 - Campus Safety
- Section 3349-10-05 - Administrative rule regarding persona non grata status
- Section 3349-10-10 - Campus law enforcement
- Section 3349-10-40 - Operation, regulation, and control of motor vehicles on campus
- Section 3349-10-41 - Hosting high school students for educational experiences in research
- Section 3349-10-43 - Operation, regulation, and control of motor vehicles on campus rule
- Section 3349-10-45 - Rule governing phones in laboratories
- Section 3349-10-50 - Exposure to infectious disease rule
- Section 3349-10-52 - Missing person rule
- Section 3349-10-60 - Preparation and disclosure of crime statistics
- Section 3349-10-62 - Suicide prevention
- Section 3349-10-65 - Emergency or crime reporting rule
- Section 3349-10-70 - Public access to library
- Section 3349-10-71 - Security and Access
- Section 3349-10-72 - Sex offender registry
- Section 3349-10-73 - [Rescinded] Preventing and responding to sex offenses
- Section 3349-10-74 - Employees and students arrested for offenses of violence ("1219" proceedings)
- Section 3349-10-75 - Sexual harassment under Title IX
- Section 3349-10-76 - Access and use of university owned buildings
- Section 3349-10-80 - Minors on campus
- Section 3349-10-90 - Timely warning