Section 3344-16-07 - Retirement(A) .For full-time faculty members who retire with at least ten years of service, the university shall automatically continue to provide the following services: e-mail, internet access, library privileges, use of a Viking card, parking, and recreation. Those services shall be offered under the same terms and conditions as they are offered to regular faculty. Each year by April first, a notice shall be sent via e-mail to which the faculty member shall respond affirmatively for services to be continued for the next year. A second e-mail shall be sent notifying retired faculty of the imminent termination of these services in the event that no affirmative response is received. After this second notice, services shall be terminated if the faculty member fails to respond affirmatively.(B) A full-time faculty member at Cleveland state university with at least ten years of service who retires under the regulations of the state teachers retirement system or under an approved alternative retirement plan (ARP) may elect at the faculty member's sole option to continue part-time employment at CSU for a period of three years following retirement.(C) A faculty member who chooses this option will be assigned up to nine credit hours of teaching, or its equivalent in administrative service, in each of the three academic years (not including summer). Employment may consist of, per academic year : (1) A maximum of nine semester credit hours of teaching;(2) A maximum of the equivalent of nine semester credit hours of teaching performed as administrative service; or(3) Any combination of teaching or administrative service to the equivalent of nine semester credit hours of teaching. When choosing post-retirement part-time employment, the faculty member must specify at that time how many credit hours of work (teaching or its service equivalent) are being claimed. The extent to which the faculty member's post-retirement work will be composed of the teaching or service will depend upon CSU needs. The combination of administrative service and teaching may vary over the three-year period.
(D) Faculty who choose this option shall be compensated at the summer salary rate specified in the relevant section of the current collective bargaining agreement. (E) Administrative service may be performed at the discretion of the provost and/or dean in consultation with the department chair or school director and with the concurrence of the retiring faculty member. (F) The courses to be taught and/or the type of administrative service, and the semester(s) of employment service, shall be determined annually by the department chairperson or school director and the dean in consultation with the faculty member.(G) A full-time faculty member at Cleveland state university with at least ten years of service who retires under the regulations of the state teachers retirement system or an approved alternative retirement plan (ARP) and who elects to continue part-time employment at CSU must cash out their sick leave at the time of retirement or forfeit their sick leave. Sick leave may not be used during the post-retirement employment period pursuant to this article. (H) A faculty member may discontinue part-time post-retirement employment participation by appropriate and timely notification of the department chairperson or school director. . The faculty member shall retain the option of increasing the teaching credit hours to remain within the limits as specified in paragraph (C) of this rule.(I) Regulations, rules, and policies of the state teachers retirement system or approved (ARP) are beyond the scope of Cleveland state university's personnel policies and shall not, under any circumstances, be subject to the grievance provisions of those policies.Ohio Admin. Code 3344-16-07
Effective: 10/17/2024
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 111.15
Rule Amplifies: 3344.
Prior Effective Dates: 04/20/2014, 08/15/2020