Ohio Admin. Code 3344-13-03

Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 3344-13-03 - Standing committees
(A) Committee names.

The following committees shall be standing committees of the faculty senate.

(1) Academic steering committee
(2) University curriculum committee
(3) Admissions and standards committee
(4) University faculty affairs committee
(5) Student life committee
(6) Committee on athletics
(7) Equity, diversity and inclusion committee
(8) Library committee
(9) Graduation, convocation, and assembly committee
(10) Committee on academic space
(11) Academic technology committee
(12) University personnel committee
(13) University petitions committee
(14) Budget and finance committee
(15) Electronic learning committee
(16) Undergraduate student success committee
(B) Committee membership.
(1) The terms of office of faculty members of all standing committees shall begin on September first and terminate on August thirty-first and those of student members shall begin on the first day of the summer term and terminate on the last day of the spring semester.
(2) The regularly appointed or elected faculty members of all standing committees, except the academic steering committee, shall serve a term of two years. No appointed or elected member shall serve more than two consecutive terms on any committee other than on those committees in which the chairperson serves on the academic steering committee. In those cases, members may serve three consecutive terms so long as there would be no more than fifty per cent of the members in their third term. Provision shall be made for staggering the membership so that continuity is provided. In staggering the membership, the one-year appointments or elections shall count as one term of the two-term or three-term consecutive limit (paragraph (D)(1) of this rule).
(3) Student members of standing committees shall be appointed by the student appointments board for terms of one year each and may be reappointed for a second term. Such students shall have earned forty-five credit hours as undergraduates or nine hours of graduate students, and shall have a GPA of at least 2.50 for all credit hours earned. No student may be appointed unless an adequate and timely notice requesting student applications appears in student publications. If no student volunteer is available through the student appointment board, an individual committee may recruit students and submit names to the student appointment board for endorsement.
(4) A person may serve on no more than two standing committees at any one time and then only if one is the academic steering committee or the university personnel committee. No person may serve concurrently on the university faculty affairs committee and the university personnel committee or the university peer review committee. If the chairperson of any standing or ad hoc committee to which faculty members are appointed by the academic steering committee is not an elected member of faculty senate, designation as chairperson thereby makes the chairperson an ex officio limited member of faculty senate so long as the faculty member is chairperson of that committee. This limited membership includes only the right to introduce and discuss motions from the standing or ad hoc committee of which the faculty member is chair. This limited membership does not include any other rights, such as the right to vote or to be included in quorum computations.
(5) In the event of the death, resignation, or leave of an appointed or elected member of a standing committee, the member shall be replaced for the remaining term of service when one full semester or longer (summer term not included) remains of the member's term of service. Such replacement shall be considered as having served one term of the two-term consecutive limit if a faculty member serves as a replacement for one year or more. Ordinarily, faculty on leave may be temporarily replaced by a faculty member from that faculty member's college, if such replacement is needed. Appointed committee members shall be replaced by the academic steering committee; elected committee members shall be replaced by the faculty senate representatives from the college to which that position is allocated. In the event that a vacancy shall occur on the university personnel committee for which a replacement is necessary by the terms of this paragraph, the replacement shall be chosen by election in the faculty senate if time permits, otherwise by the academic steering committee, from at least two nominees identified by the senate members from the college to which the position is allocated.
(C) Annual reports.

The chairperson of each of the standing committees other than the graduation, convocation, and assembly committee, the academic steering committee, and the university personnel committee, shall make at least one annual report to the faculty senate.

(D) Academic steering committee.
(1) The committee shall consist of the senate president, serving as chairperson, the senate vice president, the senate secretary, one elected member of the faculty senate from each of the colleges except the honors college and the college of graduate studies; for each five elected members to faculty senate beyond five, each college shall have an additional elected member of faculty senate on the committee. The elected member(s) to serve on the committee from each college shall be chosen promptly by those elected representatives from the college on the faculty senate who are entitled to membership on the faculty senate for the upcoming year. Elected members serve on the academic steering committee for a term of one year from September first to August thirty-first. Five other faculty members serve ex officio as voting members on the academic steering committee by virtue of their positions as chair of the budget and finance committee, the admissions and standards committee, the university curriculum committee, the university faculty affairs committee, and the undergraduate student success committee. These five members serve only during their terms as chairs of their respective standing committees. The elected faculty representative to the board of trustees shall serve as an ex officio non-voting corresponding member.
(2) The president of the university and the provost of the university shall be ex officio, non-voting, corresponding members of the committee. The senate secretary shall serve as secretary of the committee.
(3) The functions of the committee are:
(a) To appoint such faculty members of all other standing committees of the faculty senate as are designated appointed members in these bylaws; to appoint ad hoc committees of the faculty senate; and to designate the chairpersons of all committees to whom it appoints members. Such designated committee chairpersons shall have, as a result of their designation, ex officio limited membership on faculty senate in accordance with paragraph (B) of this rule. Eligibility to be appointed members of each committee is described in the section relating to that committee. The names of the members of each standing committee shall be reported to the senate secretary.
(b) To prepare the agenda for faculty senate for distribution by the senate secretary.
(c) To take such action regarding affairs of faculty senate as may be necessary between meetings.
(d) To advise the president and the faculty senate on the committee structure of the faculty organization.
(e) To serve as the informal hearing committee specified in the procedural standards in faculty dismissal proceedings with the responsibilities there specified (see rule 3344-11-15 of the Administrative Code.)
(f) To serve as the committee of the faculty senate that consults with the administration regarding matters of strategic planning.
(E) University curriculum committee.
(1) The committee shall consist of the chief academic officer and the director of university libraries or their representatives and the university registrar as ex officio corresponding members; two appointed members from the college of art and sciences (with one member from the math and science, and one from the arts and humanities); one appointed member from each of the remaining colleges other than the honors college, and the college of graduate studies; one appointed member from the graduate council; and two student members.
(2) The functions of the committee are:
(a) To make recommendations to the faculty senate concerning the establishment, inclusion by merger, alteration, and abolition of: all curricula offered by the university; all degrees and certifications conferred under authority of the university; all colleges, departments, schools, and bureaus.
(b) To make recommendations to the faculty senate on certain proposals from the various colleges respecting courses and curricula. These certain proposals are those affecting a course or curriculum outside the college making the proposal and those proposals setting up a new curriculum.
(c) To make recommendations to the faculty senate upon proposals from the various colleges respecting academic degrees (see paragraph (G)(4) of rule 3344-13-01 of the Administrative Code). These recommendations to the faculty senate shall be made only after notice thereof, in at least abbreviated form, has been given to the university organization. Failure of the curriculum committee to act or to submit its recommendations shall not deprive the faculty senate of power to review these proposals.
(d) To make recommendations to the faculty senate upon proposals from the various colleges respecting subject-matter requirements for graduation (see paragraph (G)(5) of rule 3344-13-01 of the Administrative Code.) To recommend to the faculty senate changes in all university subject-matter requirements for graduation.
(e) To conduct such investigations and appoint such committees as are reasonably necessary to carry out its responsibilities under these bylaws.
(F) Admissions and standards committee.
(1) The committee shall consist of a designee from the provost's office, a representative of the university registrar's office, and the deans (or designees) of two colleges as ex officio corresponding members. Voting members shall consist of two appointed members from the college or arts and sciences (with one member from the math and sciences, and one from the arts and humanities), one appointed member from each of the remaining colleges, except the honors college and the college of graduate studies, one appointed member from the graduate council, and two student members. The two deans are to be appointed by the academic steering committee and shall serve two-year terms on a staggered basis so that only one dean is appointed each year. The academic steering committee shall make their appointments in such a way that all deans of colleges serve on the committee on a rotating basis and with as nearly equal frequency as possible.
(2) The functions of the committee are:
(a) To make recommendations to the faculty senate on policies and practices pertaining to grading, the academic standing of students, and proficiency standards for graduation and advanced degrees.
(b) To establish policies and procedures for handling student academic misconduct.
(c) To review grade disputes in order to ensure the appropriate procedures have been followed, as described in the undergraduate and graduate catalogs.
(d) To recommend to the faculty senate any needed changes in all university admissions rules.
(e) To review changes in the entrance requirements proposed by any of the colleges and make its recommendations concerning them to the faculty senate (see paragraph (G)(1) of rule 3344-13-01 of the Administrative Code.)
(f) To act as an advisory council to chief university officer for enrollment management and services upon all problems arising in connection with their duties.
(g) To work with the administration in all matters concerning the academic calendar and the scheduling of classes.
(h) To review the annual report of the university petitions committee, and make recommendations to the faculty senate concerning observed trouble points.
(i) The annual reports of this committee shall include a report on the administration of academic standards during the previous year; a report on admissions data pertaining to the fall entering class of each college; and a report on the performance of the class admitted a year earlier.
(G) University faculty affairs committee.
(1) The committee shall consist of a designee from the provost's office as ex officio corresponding member and six members elected from the full-time teaching faculty by the elected members of the faculty senate. This election shall take place in the spring semester of each academic year. At least one member of the committee shall be a member of the faculty senate. No member of the university faculty affairs committee may serve concurrently as a member of the university personnel committee or the university peer review committee. The committee shall select its own chairperson.
(2) The functions of the committee are:
(a) To review and evaluate the tenure regulations set forth in rule 3344-11-03 of the Administrative Code and report to the faculty senate any recommendations for modifying them.
(b) To hear all cases for exception to the tenure regulations for non-bargaining unit faculty and recommend appropriate action to the chief academic officer.
(c) To review procedures to be followed in implementing rule 3344-11-06 of the Administrative Code dealing with the formal disciplining or the dismissal of and non-bargaining unit faculty member and to recommend changes to the faculty senate.
(d) To serve as the formal hearing committee specified in the procedural standards in faculty dismissal proceedings with the responsibilities there specified (see rule 3344-11-06 of the Administrative Code) and as a hearing committee for all other grievances related to faculty personnel policies for non-bargaining unit faculty. In the event that the faculty affairs committee has already been concerned in hearing a faculty grievance which bears upon subsequent dismissal proceedings against the faculty member, an ad hoc committee shall serve as the formal hearing committee in the dismissal proceedings for that case. The ad hoc committee shall be elected by faculty senate in the same way and with the same composition as specified for the faculty affairs committee, with due regard for the qualifications set forth in rule 3344-11-15 of the Administrative Code. No person previously involved with the faculty grievance shall be eligible for election to the ad hoc committee.
(e) To study and evaluate all other personnel policies relating to the faculty and make recommendations to the faculty senate or the AAUP as appropriate. Illustrative areas are promotion, salary, leaves, outside work for pay, military service, academic freedom, insurance and other fringe benefits, parking, teacher rating scales, and retirement.
(f) To serve as a body for the ongoing evaluation of the faculty personnel policies and make recommendations, when appropriate, to the faculty senate. This committee shall receive by reference all proposed amendments to the bylaws. It shall publish the bylaws, keep them up to date and republish them at such intervals as may be desirable. Recommendations concerning the bylaws shall be sent to each member in advance of presentation to the faculty senate and notice shall be given of the meeting of faculty senate at which the recommendations are to be reported for action.
(g) To hear all misconduct charges against faculty members arising under paragraph (A) of rule 3344-11-06 of the Administrative Code, such hearings to conform to the procedures given in paragraph (A) of rule 3344-11-06 of the Administrative Code, provided that adequate provision shall have been made for the informal, voluntary adjustment of the issue or issues so as to permit the matter to be terminated by mutual consent. To decide in conference, on the basis of the hearing, whether the alleged misconduct warrants a recommendation of disciplinary action. A finding of disciplinary action shall require the approval of the board of trustees to take effect, and the accused shall have full recourse to law, thereafter.
(H) Student life committee.
(1) The committee shall consist of the chief officer for student affairs (or designee) and a representative from the appropriate office of inclusion and multicultural engagement as ex officio corresponding members. Voting members shall include six appointed members of the full-time faculty and six appointed members from the student body.
(2) The functions of the committee are:
(a) To recommend to the faculty senate proposed legislation affecting student life and activities.
(b) To make recommendations to the chief officer for student affairs in the area of the officer's administrative responsibilities.
(c) To supervise student publications.
(d) To supervise student organizations. In particular, any group of students desiring to organize and be recognized as a university organization shall obtain permission from the committee.
(e) To serve as an advisory body in the coordination and development of the various student personnel services.
(f) To recommend to the faculty senate policies regarding financial aid, counseling, and special educational services, including cooperative education.
(I) Committee on athletics.
(1) The committee shall consist of the director of athletics, the faculty representative to the NCAA as ex officio corresponding member, six appointed members of the full-time faculty, and three student members.
(2) The functions of the committee are to develop policy governing intercollegiate athletics with approval of the faculty senate on matter of significant importance. This policy shall cover schedules, eligibility, awards, ticket distribution, and public and campus relations of the athletic program and shall serve to guide the administration of intercollegiate athletics by the director of athletics.
(J) Equity, diversity and inclusion committee.
(1) The committee shall consist of the chief diversity officer (or designee) as ex officio member, five faculty members elected by the senate and one student member. The committee will elect a member to sit on the president's council on diversity.
(2) The function of the committee is to help the senate develop policies sensitive to the need for diversity on campus. The charge includes:
(a) To monitor the overall functioning of the relevant university offices connected with diversity and inclusion, with special emphasis on coordination and communication among these offices.
(b) To advise senate on the state of relations among diverse groups on campus.
(K) Library committee.
(1) This committee shall include the director of the university libraries and the director of the law library as ex officio corresponding members. Voting members shall include two full-time members from the college of arts and sciences (with one member from the math and sciences, and one from the arts and humanities) and one full-time member from each of the remaining colleges excluding the college of graduate studies, honors college, and law college, two professional librarians, and two student members.
(2) The functions of the committee are:
(a) To serve as an advisory group to the director of university libraries and the director of the law library, and to recommend to faculty senate appropriate policies for the delivery of library media services.
(b) To assist the director of the university libraries and the director of the law library in the interpretation of services to the university community.
(c) To express the faculty concerns about the university libraries to appropriate university administrative officers.
(L) Graduation, convocation, and assembly committee.
(1) The committee shall consist of seven appointed faculty members, four members from the student body, and three corresponding ex officio members appointed by the president from the administration. Faculty appointments shall provide the following college representation: two faculty members from the college of arts and sciences (with one member from the math and sciences, and one from the arts and humanities), and one faculty member each from the remaining colleges, except the college of graduate studies and the honors college.
(2) The functions of the committee are:
(a) To recommend three faculty members, one of them being chairperson of this committee, and one student to serve on the university honorary degree committee and encourage all faculty to nominate worthy candidates for consideration of honorary degrees.
(b) To make recommendations to the faculty senate on a policy for university graduation and convocation ceremonies, including such items as scheduling, location, and format.
(c) To make recommendations to the faculty senate on policies and procedures for all university lectures and other all-university programs. All policies shall be filed with the senate secretary.
(d) To recommend annually to the university president an appropriation to cover the expenses of such all-university lectures and programs.
(3) The committee's jurisdiction is limited to university-wide events and therefore does not include involvement in programming sponsored by individual colleges or units of the university.
(M) Committee on academic space.
(1) The committee shall consist of a representative from the office of facilities services, two faculty members from the college of arts and sciences (with one member from the math and sciences, and one from arts and humanities), and one faculty member from each of the remaining colleges except the college of graduate studies and the honors college, and two student members.
(2) The functions of the committee are:
(a) To recommend three faculty members (one of them must be the chairperson of this committee) to serve on the university space advisory committee.
(b) To monitor the fitness of existing classrooms for educational use and to assist physical plant in rectifying problems in specific areas.
(c) To evaluate the suitability of proposed classroom space for academic use.
(d) To oversee policies on classroom allocation and evaluate their effectiveness.
(N) Academic technology committee.
(1) The committee shall consist of two appointed faculty members from the college of arts and sciences (with one member from the math and sciences, and one from the arts and humanities); one appointed faculty member from each of the remaining colleges (except the honors college and the college of graduate studies); three nonvoting ex officio members, including the administrative head (or designee) for information services and technology department, a director of the center for instructional technology and distance learning (or designee) and the director of the office of instructional excellence.
(2) The functions of the committee are:
(a) To assess the information services and technology and instructional media services provided for academic use and to determine the academic needs in this area - to include the use of software, services, computers, and their peripherals, and all computational and instructional media equipment in faculty research and classroom teaching. In performing this function the committee shall have access to any pertinent material including all usage data and shall define the criteria used to assess the adequacy of information services and technology.
(b) To report its findings and make recommendations to the chief academic officer through the faculty senate.
(c) To advise the administrative heads for information services and technology and instructional media services on all significant changes in hardware, software, personnel, and user services and policy.
(O) University personnel committee.
(1) The committee shall consist of the university peer review committee plus one representative from the college of law. The committee shall select its own chair. The law school representative shall be a tenured member of the law school faculty holding the rank of professor elected by the law school faculty and shall serve a term of two years. The law school representative may attend all meetings of the university peer review committee, but shall neither vote nor participate in discussions regarding any university peer review committee matters.
(2) It is the function of the university personnel committee to study dossiers and make recommendations to the provost in all those cases not covered by the American association of university professors collective bargaining agreement (the "Agreement") where conflicting recommendations have been made by the department peer review committee, the college peer review committee, the chair, or the dean. In addition, the provost may refer any or all other cases not covered by the agreement to the university personnel committee for consideration and recommendation. In the cases where there have been conflicting recommendations, the university personnel committee shall solicit comments and supplementary materials from the candidate, the peer review committee, the chair, university personnel committee and the dean. In no case does the university personnel committee have the authority to hold hearings concerning dossiers. It shall forward its recommendations on all candidates for promotion and/or tenure, with supporting reasons, to both the candidate and the provost as well as the dean, college peer review committee, chair, and departmental peer review committee (where applicable) by January twenty-fifth.
(3) The provost shall consider all documents and recommendations, giving particular attention to the university personnel committee recommendations and forward their recommendations to the president by February fifteenth. In no instance shall the provost recommend persons lacking the support of at least one of the faculty committees which have considered the case. If the provost declines to support a candidate having uniformly favorable recommendations, the provost must discuss the case with the university personnel committee. Copies of the provost's recommendation shall be sent to the candidate, university personnel committee (where applicable), dean, college peer review committee, chair, and departmental peer review committee (where applicable) by February fifteenth.
(P) University petitions committee.
(1) The committee shall consist of two appointed full-time faculty members from the college of arts and sciences (with one member from the math and sciences, and one from the arts and humanities, and one from each of the remaining colleges: except the college of law, the college of graduate studies and honors college.

The registrar shall be a corresponding member and serve as the secretary to the committee.

(2) The committee shall receive and act on petitions for waivers of university requirements, unless the admissions and standards committee has approved referral of classes of petitions (e.g., late withdrawals) to the colleges.
(3) Examples of petitions are: group requirement waivers; freshman English waivers; physical education waivers; late change of grade status; waivers involving transient status. The decisions of the university petitions committee shall ordinarily be final. In extreme and rare cases, appeal shall be to the chief academic officer.
(4) The committee shall report annually to faculty senate on petitions received and actions taken.
(Q) Budget and finance committee.
(1) The committee shall consist of five faculty members willing to make a significant commitment of time and effort for a two-year period, except for the first year during which two of the five members shall be elected for only one year. The senate academic steering committee shall nominate a slate of five faculty members the first year, and alternately two and three faculty members in succeeding years to replace members as their terms expire. The faculty senate shall accept the slate of nominees offered by the academic steering committee, together with nominations from the floor, for electing members of its budget and finance committee. Vacancies occurring prior to the expiration of a term shall be filled in a similar manner. The members of the faculty senate budget and finance committee shall elect their own chair and shall serve concurrently as members of the university planning and finance advisory committee (PFAC).
(2) The AAUP executive committees will jointly appoint one faculty member to be an ex-officio member of the budget and finance committee.
(3) The functions of the faculty senate budget and finance committee:
(a) To participate fully and proactively in creating the budget that is proposed to the president for final action by the board of trustees.
(b) To report at each faculty senate meeting on current and future budgetary matters.
(R) Electronic learning committee.
(1) The committee shall consist two faculty-senate-appointed full-time faculty members from the college of arts and sciences, (with one member from the math and sciences, and one from the arts and humanities) and one faculty member from each of the remaining colleges (except the honors college and the college of graduate studies); the vice provost for CSU online and the director of the center for e-learning as non-voting ex officio members; and two students.
(2) The functions of the electronic learning committee:
(a) To increase knowledge, collaboration, and effectiveness of on-line instruction at the university.
(b) To develop policies regarding student access to electronic learning courses at the university.
(c) To make recommendations regarding the academic security of electronic learning courses.
(d) To assure the quality of electronic learning courses at the university.
(e) To make recommendations regarding peer and student evaluation of the teaching effectiveness of electronic courses.
(f) To participate in strategic planning regarding the future development of electronic instruction at the university.
(3) Proposals and recommendations from the electronic learning committee pertaining to new curriculum, new academic standards, or new faculty policies shall be referred to the appropriate faculty senate standing committee for consideration and approval (e.g. university curriculum committee, admissions and standards committee, or university faculty affairs committee).
(S) Undergraduate student success committee.
(1) The committee shall consist of two faculty members from the college of arts and sciences (with one member from the math and sciences, and one from the arts and humanities) and one faculty member from all other colleges appointed by senate, excluding the college of graduate studies, the honors college, and the of law; two undergraduate students (one from a science, technology, engineering or mathematics major, one from a non-science, technology, engineering or mathematics major); a representative of the university teaching council selected by the council and the following non-voting ex officio members, or their designees: the vice provost of academic programs and the vice president of enrollment management and student success. The committee will elect their own chair from among those voting members of the committee who are faculty.
(2) The functions of the committee are:
(a) To monitor, gather, and report to faculty senate data relative to student success.
(b) To encourage, promote, and facilitate faculty's role in and contribution to student success.
(c) To identify and facilitate solutions to systematic barriers to student success.
(d) To serve as the interface between the faculty and the many student success functions and efforts across the university.
(e) To consult with the university administration regarding matters of student success.

Ohio Admin. Code 3344-13-03

Effective: 10/17/2024
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 111.15
Rule Amplifies: 3344.
Prior Effective Dates: 11/04/1977, 08/14/1980, 10/13/1980, 04/26/1982, 05/28/1982, 06/21/1983, 05/20/1985, 05/01/1986, 09/08/1986, 05/19/1988, 07/29/1988, 11/18/1988, 08/07/1989, 02/25/1991, 04/19/1993, 11/28/2001, 09/01/2009, 04/20/2014, 08/14/2020, 04/07/2022, 11/26/2023