All reappointment reviews will be carried out on a paperless, electronic system provided by the university for this purpose. Probationary faculty members, reviewers and administrators must submit and review reappointment documents on this system, and any official notification required under this policy will appear in this system. The probationary faculty member will be notified by email of anything that is added to or removed from the file as soon as it is added or removed. At each level of reappointment review, the probationary faculty member, faculty advisory bodies and administrators will be able to view the complete file.
Faculty members from departments or schools in the their first probationary year will not be reviewed by the college advisory committees, but will be reviewed only at the unit, and where appropriate, regional campus level, with a recommendation by the unit administrator and, where appropriate, campus dean to the college dean.
Ohio Admin. Code 3342-6-16
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3341.04
Rule Amplifies: 3341.01, 3341.04
Prior Effective Dates: 03/07/2000, 11/20/2004, 06/01/2007, 06/20/2012, 03/01/2015