Ohio Admin. Code 3341-5-39
It is the policy and practice of Bowling Green state university that an appropriate search will be conducted for all available positions. An appropriate search is one that conforms to the university's official hiring procedures for faculty, administrators and classified staff. These procedures were established pursuant to the university's affirmative action and EEO obligations, and are intended to assure full and fair consideration of all applicants for employment. It is recognized that there may be exceptional circumstances in which it would be in the university's interest to deviate from our standard search procedures. These circumstances, by virtue of their exceptional nature, will be rare.
In such circumstances, written justification detailing a compelling reason for waiving the search must first be presented to the CHRO for consideration and then forwarded to the president for approval.
Once approval has been granted by president, the documentation should be forwarded to the office of human resources to begin the hiring process.
The hiring unit may not proceed with a by-invitation appointment without the required approvals.
Ohio Admin. Code 3341-5-39
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3345
Rule Amplifies: 3345
Prior Effective Dates: 03/04/2015, 03/03/2017