Section 3341-3-67 - Graduate college grade replacement- graduate(A) Policy statement and purpose This policy describes the criteria for grade replacement for graduate students.
(B) Policy(1) All graduate courses taken at the university count toward a student's cumulative grade point average, including course retakes with the following exception: For one course retaken at the university, the credit hours and quality points for the original registration will not be used in computing the student's cumulative grade point average. For this course, the credit hours and quality points for the retake registration will be used in computing the student's cumulative grade point average.
(2) A student must complete the "graduate college grade replacement request" form for a grade replacement to be approved.(3) No grade is removed or erased from a transcript by retaking a course. Any punitive grade as a result of an academic honesty case may not have the retake policy applied to it.
(4) External transfer credit is not eligible for grade replacement.(5) For graduate students reuesting a grade replacement for a graduate course that was completed during the undergraduate program, an approved grade replacement will affect the graduate transcript only. There is no effect on the undergraduate transcript. Grades cannot be changed after the conferral of the undergraduate degree.(C) Equity impact statement: The policy has been assessed for adverse differential impact on members of one or more protected groups.Ohio Admin. Code 3341-3-67
Effective: 4/21/2023
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3341.
Rule Amplifies: 3341.
Prior Effective Dates: 02/11/2017