Section 3339-3-15 - Employment of members of the same familyMiami university imposes no restrictions on the concurrent employment of members of the same immediate family except the following:
(A) One immediate family member may not supervise another or be in the supervisory line. No individual may be assigned to a department or a unit under the direct or indirect supervision of an immediate family member. Students may not work in the same department as another immediate family member. An agreement must be reached as part of the terms of the initial appointment designating the position to which the individual will report. This agreement is subject to the approval of the senior administrator of the division in which the person is employed. If the individual is an immediate family member of the senior administrator of the division, then the agreement is subject to the approval of the appropriate vice president or the president, as applicable. Supervision includes the awarding of any benefits (e.g., promotion, retention, salary, leaves of absence, etc.).(B) Each immediate family member must be judged on his or her own merits and shall not be prejudiced (favorably or unfavorably) by the employment of another immediate family member or by their activities, status, rank or position.(C) Each immediate family member must conduct himself or herself in accordance with all applicable state ethics laws and university ethics policies (See conflicts of interest/commitment, rule 3339-3-12 of the Administrative Code,).(D) Specifically, immediate family members may not: (1) Participate in searches or initial appointment decisions if an immediate family member is a candidate for the position.(2) Authorize, vote upon, discuss, deliberate, recommend, or otherwise use the authority or influence of his or her position, formally or informally, to secure the employment, retention, promotion, or tenure of an immediate family member or to approve payment to an immediate family member for services rendered in his or her public employment. This provision does not prohibit immediate family members from providing requested factual information regarding the immediate family member's work-related activities (e.g., spouses who are co-authors on research or scholarly papers may provide factual information on the nature of the co-authorship and contributions of each for evaluation, promotion and/or tenure purposes). For the purpose of this policy, "immediate family" includes the following relatives, regardless of where they reside: spouse or domestic partner; children (whether dependent or not); siblings; parents; grandparents; and grandchildren. It also includes any other person related by blood or by marriage and living in the same household.
Replaces: 3339-3-15
Ohio Admin. Code 3339-3-15
Effective: 11/5/2015
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3339.01
Rule Amplifies: 3339.01
Prior Effective Dates: 3/31/1988, 9/30/1999, 9/30/2000, 9/30/2001, 3/31/2005, 9/13/2012