The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at
This policy establishes university policy and procedures for granting unpaid leaves of absence for presidential appointees, both administrative and faculty. For faculty presidential appointees, this policy applies only to the extent that no contrary provision is included in the "Faculty Handbook."
The university supports a work environment that offers solutions to complex issues employees face in balancing their work, family, and personal commitments or health and medical concerns. This policy provides the following leaves for full-time and part-time permanent presidential appointees: family, medical, disability, personal, educational, and military.
See also policy 41.105.
Refer to policy 40.054.
An illness (non-pregnancy related) or injury of an employee which prevents a presidential appointee from performing the essential functions of the position.
Excepting work related illness or injuries, no medical leave of absence will be approved unless the presidential appointee has exhausted all sick leave. The leave may be for a period up to six months.
It is the responsibility of university human resources to oversee the administration of this policy.
The university will continue group insurance coverage for the time of the medical leave, up to six months. The presidential appointee is responsible for payroll deductions normally taken if not on leave.
When a presidential appointee wishes to be reinstated, he or she must submit certification from his or her health care provider indicating his or her ability to perform his or her job. The presidential appointee retains reinstatement rights to the same or similar position up to six months from the initial effective date of the medical leave.
An illness, injury, or disabling condition that prevents a presidential appointee from performing the essential functions of the position temporarily or permanently. The presidential appointee must have exhausted all sick leave. The university's unlimited sick leave accumulation provides for short-term disabilities.
Group insurance coverage will not be continued by the university for the period of a long-term disability leave of absence which follows the exhaustion of a six month medical leave. The presidential appointee may elect to continue insurance coverage by notifying the insurance benefits area of university human resources of a qualifying event for the consolidated omnibus reconciliation act (COBRA), requesting and completing the "Group Health Continuation Election Form," and submitting premium payments directly to the address provided on the form.
If the presidential appointee elects not to continue insurance coverage during a disability leave, there will be no waiting period for the resumption of coverage upon his or her return to work.
If a presidential appointee is approved for permanent disability through the appropriate retirement system, health care benefits are available through the retirement system. A spouse or dependents may be enrolled for health care benefits through the retirement system when a presidential appointee completes the disability retirement application (for OPERS: DR-1).
A physician designated by the appropriate retirement system will determine if and when a presidential appointee may be reinstated.
A period of time away from work to obtain additional education, training, or specialized experience that will improve the employee's job skills or job performance, or coursework that will result in a formal academic degree.
The educational endeavor must be sufficiently documented and approved by the department head. The leave may be for a period not to exceed one year; it may be renewed for a second year upon written request to the department head.
Group insurance coverage will not be continued by the university during the period of the educational leave of absence for an administrative presidential appointee; group insurance coverage does continue for faculty presidential appointees during sabbatical leaves. (An exception may be made if the presidential appointee is pursuing educational courses that are directly related to his or her job, and if he or she makes a commitment to stay in the job for a specific period of time following the leave. The presidential appointee must request this coverage and document the applicability of the courses. A decision regarding the request for coverage and the specific period of time will be made by the supervisor, in consultation with the planning unit head and the chief human resource officer.) The presidential appointee may elect to continue insurance coverage by notifying the insurance benefits area of university human resources of a qualifying event for the Consolidated Omnibus Reconciliation Act (COBRA), requesting and completing the "Group Health Continuation Election Form," and submitting premium payments directly to the address provided on the form.
If an employee allows insurance coverage to lapse while on an educational leave, evidence of insurability may be required for reinstatement of group coverage upon his or her return to work.
The presidential appointee retains reinstatement rights to the same or similar position for a period of one year from the initial effective date of the leave; it may be extended for a second year if approved by the supervisor. See part (E)(2) of this policy.
A personal hardship for the presidential appointee or a family member.
Any presidential appointee who has not taken a personal leave within the last three years is eligible. The leave may be for a period not to exceed six months. The department head, in granting approval or disapproval, will consider the immediate needs of the department and may utilize the employee's work performance (as documented by the unit's annual performance evaluation process) to identify factors that tend to support or to detract from the presidential appointee's stated need for the leave.
Group insurance coverage will not be continued by the university during the period of the personal leave of absence. The presidential appointee may elect to continue insurance coverage by notifying the insurance benefits area of university human resources of a qualifying event for the Consolidated Omnibus Reconciliation Act (COBRA), requesting and completing the "Group Health Continuation Election Form," and submitting premium payments directly to the address provided on the form.
If an employee allows insurance coverage to lapse while on an personal leave, evidence of insurability may be required for reinstatement of group coverage upon his or her return to work.
The presidential appointee retains reinstatement rights to the same or similar position for a period of six months from the initial effective date of the personal leave.
An unpaid extended leave of absence beyond the one hundred seventy-six hours or twenty-two days of paid leave granted in accordance with state and federal laws to employees who are inducted or otherwise required to enter military service or active duty for training, or voluntary enrollment.
The university will continue insurance coverage for the entire period of a military leave by executive order.
Group insurance coverage will not be continued by the university during the period of a military leave of absence by voluntary enrollment. The presidential appointee may elect to continue insurance coverage by notifying the insurance benefits area of university human resources of a qualifying event for the Consolidated Omnibus Reconciliation Act (COBRA), requesting and completing the "Group Health Continuation Election Form," and submitting premium payments directly to the address provided on the form.
If an employee allows insurance coverage to lapse while on a military leave, evidence of insurability may be required for reinstatement of group coverage upon his or her return to work.
The presidential appointee shall be reinstated to the same or a similar position upon the submission of a written request within ninety days of separation from active duty. A presidential appointee forfeits reinstatement rights if he or she re-enlists or voluntarily extends an original tour of active duty while on a leave.
Retirement contributions are not made to the appropriate retirement system while a presidential appointee is on an unpaid leave of absence. Upon return from an unpaid leave of absence, a presidential appointee may purchase the service credit for the period of the unpaid leave by completing the appropriate form (for OPERS: "Form AA") and submitting it to the payroll office for certification. The payroll office will forward the form directly to the appropriate retirement system. Notification of the contribution amount will be sent to the presidential appointee's home address by the appropriate retirement system. Arrangements for purchasing the service credit must be made directly with the appropriate retirement system by the presidential appointee.
A presidential appointee will not receive salary for any holidays observed, nor will he or she accrue sick leave or vacation credit during any unpaid leave of absence.
Presidential appointees may appeal a denial of a leave of absence request through the grievance process provided in policy 41.011.
The version of this rule that includes live links to associated resources is online at
Ohio Admin. Code 3337-41-128
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 111.15
Rule Amplifies: 111.15