Section 3335-9-25 - Academic probation(A) Any student whose cumulative point-hour ratio has fallen below a 2.00 shall be placed on probation. The probation shall continue provided the student's college considers the student's progress to be satisfactory and shall be removed when the cumulative point-hour ratio has reached a 2.0. The student shall be notified of probationary status by the dean of the college or the director of the school in which the student is registered, except as provided in rule 3335-9-27 of the Administrative Code. Such notification shall include a clear statement of what shall be considered to be satisfactory progress.(B) Probation by special action. If at any time the preparation, progress, or success of a student in an academic program is determined to be unsatisfactory, the college or school in which the student is registered shall be empowered to place the student on academic probation. An undergraduate student admitted with conditions and who has not satisfied the conditions after earning thirty semester credit hours through regular course enrollment at this university shall be placed on probation. Replaces: 3335-9-25
Ohio Admin. Code 3335-9-25
Effective: 4/23/2014
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3335
Rule Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 03/13/1978, 05/08/1983, 08/06/2004, 08/01/2005, 07/13/2012, 04/23/2014