Section 3335-51-02 - Notification of employees(A) Whenever the classification title of a position changes, other than by process of promotion or demotion, or whenever the university establishes or deletes classifications and such actions result in the reclassification of incumbent classified employees, notification shall be made in writing to any individual affected by the change.(B) Any classified employee may appeal the reclassification to the state personnel board of review within thirty days after receipt of the notification of reclassification or notice of results of a position audit. Replaces: 3335-51-02
Ohio Admin. Code 3335-51-02
Effective: 6/2/2011
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3335
Rule Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 06/14/1982, 06/22/1997, 10/01/2002, 06/01/2011