Section 3335-5-36 - Emeritus faculty(A) Full-time tenure-track, clinical/teaching/practice research, or associated faculty may request emeritus status upon retirement or resignation at the age of sixty or older with ten or more years of service or at any age with twenty-five or more years of service.(B) The request for emeritus status is made to the tenure initiating unit (TIU) head, except that for associated faculty with appointments at regional campuses, the request for emeritus status is made to the regional dean. The process for awarding emeritus status shall be described in the TIU/regional campus appointments, promotion and tenure document. The executive vice president and provost must approve requests for emeritus status for faculty who do not otherwise meet the qualifications in paragraph (A) of rule 3335-5-36 of the Administrative Code. Emeritus status is recommended by the TIU head, the dean, and the executive vice president and provost, and approved by the board of trustees.(C) Emeritus faculty, in keeping with the honorific nature of the title, are not expected to perform faculty duties (under rule 3335-5-07 of the Administrative Code), nor do they retain the specific powers of the faculty (under rule 3335-5-14 of the Administrative Code). Emeritus faculty may not vote at any level of governance and may not participate in promotion and tenure matters but may have such other privileges as individual academic units or the university may provide.(D) If emeritus status is requested but denied by the TIU head/regional dean, the decision can be appealed in writing to the dean or executive vice president and provost for units for which the dean is the TIU head. If the request for emeritus status or an appeal is denied by the dean, the decision can be appealed in writing to the executive vice president and provost, who shall make the final decision. Every effort shall be made by the dean and executive vice president and provost to conclude all decisions on appeals within sixty days.(E) In lieu of the process described in rule 3335-5-04 of the Administrative Code, the president, subject to the approval of the board of trustees, shall have the authority to revoke emeritus status if an emeritus faculty member at any time engages in serious dishonorable conduct in violation of law, rule, or policy and/or causes harm to the university's reputation.Ohio Admin. Code 3335-5-36
Effective: 11/9/2020
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: RC 3335
Rule Amplifies: RC 3335.08