Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 3335-111-03 - Patients(A) The continuous care and treatment of individual patients is the medical responsibility of the member of the attending, associate attending, clinical attending or community associate attending medical staff to whose care the patient is treated at or transferred to the CHRI, and to an allied health professional being granted clinical privileges under these bylaws.(B) There shall be only one category or classification of patients in the CHRI, and those patients are the patients of the medical staff under whose care they are treated. Patients treated at the CHRI who, prior to treatment, have not requested or selected a member of the medical staff to attend them shall be assigned for their care and treatment to a member of the medical staff for their care and treatment.(C) All patients treated at the CHRI should cooperate in, and, whenever applicable, participate in an approved cancer related protocol and knowingly participate in the teaching program of the college of medicine. Should a patient, or on the behalf of the patient, the patient's representative, refuse to participate or cooperate in the teaching program of the CHRI or the college of medicine, the medical staff member responsible for the care and treatment of the patient will encourage participation in the Ohio state university's teaching programs, but will simultaneously inform patients, or when appropriate, the patients representative, of their right to refuse participation.(D) Students, including pre and post medical or osteopathic, but not limited thereto, shall be under the direction and control of the members of the medical staff to whom the patient is assigned for treatment within the CHRI. The CHRI respects the patient's right to participate in decisions about his or her care, treatment and services, and further respects the patient's rights to refuse care, treatment and services, in accordance with law and regulation. Replaces: 3335-111-03
Ohio Admin. Code 3335-111-03
Effective: 8/3/2011
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3335
Rule Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 10/18/1993, 03/20/1998, 09/28/2000, 10/04/2002, 03/08/2004, 11/28/2005, 11/24/2009, 08/03/2011