Ohio Admin. Code 3335-107-03
Each full-time faculty member will be permitted to practice up to an average of one day per week within the dental faculty practice in accordance with the policies and procedures regarding outside professional services as adopted by the university. No practice by a full-time faculty member outside the dental faculty practice will be permitted. The dean of the college and the dental practice group will agree upon practice time and location.
The dental practice group shall be responsible for furnishing and paying for specialized materials, instruments, and laboratory fees as determined by the dean.
The college shall be responsible to see that a business office will be maintained as a part of this practice plan. This office shall be responsible to see that billing statements are issued, fees collected, and that appropriate records of all billings and payments are maintained for all full-time faculty participating in this plan. Individuals designated by the dean will keep records of appointments for the daily private practice of the full-time faculty members in the dental faculty practice.
These records are subject to review by the dean or the dean's representatives.
Replaces: 3335-107-03
Ohio Admin. Code 3335-107-03
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3335
Rule Amplifies: 3335.08
Prior Effective Dates: 02/06/1983, 07/30/2001