Section 3333-1-90 - Course and program sharing network(A) Authority This rule is adopted under the authority conferred upon the chancellor of higher education by section 3333.90 of the Revised Code (B) Purpose The purpose of the course and program sharing network is to increase the availability of courses and programs across the state and to improve the quality and access to education for students as an efficiency practice. (C) Definitions (1) "Course and program sharing" means the delivery and management of curriculum offered between two or more institutions of higher education.(2) "Institution of higher education" means both of the following: (a) "State institution of higher education" as that term is defined in section 3345.011 of the Revised Code;(b) Career technical center.(3) The "home institution" means the institution in which the student will be receiving the degree or certificate the student is pursuing, the articulation of credit, and financial aid.(4) The "host institution" means the collaborating institution, other than the home institution, in which the student is taking a course or courses as defined in the agreement between the two institutions.(D) The course and program sharing network consists of courses and programs that institutions are sharing via an agreement between such institutions. (1) For the purposes of sharing courses and programs, a partnering institution is one that is accredited by an agency recognized by the US department of education or council for higher education accreditation;(2) Agreements between institutions for the purpose of course and program sharing shall specify the following:(a) The name of the course(s) or program(s) that are being shared;(b) How the shared course(s) or program(s) will be governed and managed;(c) Explanation of how the course(s) or program(s) will be delivered;(d) How students will enroll into the course or program;(e) How credit will be articulated between the multiple institutions;(f) How revenue will be collected, managed and or distributed;(g) The institution that will report student data to the Ohio department of higher education via the higher education information system.(3) Institutions of higher education as defined in paragraph (C)(2) of this rule may only report student data once to the department of higher education through the higher education information system for state subsidy purposes.(E) Institutions that participate in program sharing shall provide guidance to each participating student that includes, but is not limited to, the following:(1) A point of contact for the program at each participating institution;(2) A description of the program;(3) A curriculum map outlining the courses needed to complete the program;(4) Designation of which institutions will deliver the required courses;(5) Detailed instructions advising students on the policy and procedures of the collaboration, including, but not limited to, how to enroll, registering for courses, and paying tuition and fees as per the agreement between the participating institutions;(6) Explanation on how student grade reports will be shared and transcribed amongst the institutions.(F) Institutions of higher education annually are to provide a list of courses and/or programs they share with other institutions to the department via a form provided by the chancellor.(G) At the request of the chancellor, institutions of higher education are to provide any agreements for course and program sharing it has entered into with other institutions. Upon receipt, the chancellor will review the agreements to ensure compliance with this chapter.
Additionally, the department will monitor the higher education information system to verify that a student engaged in sharing a course or program is reported only once for state subsidy purposes.
Ohio Admin. Code 3333-1-90
Effective: 5/28/2023
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 3/13/2023 and 05/28/2028
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3333.90
Rule Amplifies: 3333.90
Prior Effective Dates: 05/25/2017