Section 3333-1-12 - Rules of compliance for the development of family practice departments and guidelines for distribution(A) Authority This rule is adopted under authority conferred upon the chancellor of higher education by section 3333.11 of the Revised Code, requiring all schools or colleges of medicine or medical universities which receive state assistance to establish and maintain departments of family practice.
(B) Institutional requirement (1) Each school or college of medicine or medical university shall have a department of family practice which meets the requirements as set forth in section 3333.11 of the Revised Code.(2) Each department shall create and maintain a curriculum for medical student education in family practice.(3) Each department shall create and maintain a clinical family practice residency utilizing the guidelines for family practice by the American board of family medicine.(4) Each department shall have a qualified, experienced practitioner as the chair, who will direct the education and patient care programs for both medical students and family practice residents. The chair should have previously demonstrated involvement in family practice either as an active family practitioner, or by actively teaching family medicine to medical students or family medicine residents, or by actively supporting the development of educational programs in family practice. The chair should be either board eligible or board certified in family medicine according to the guidelines of the American board of family medicine.(5) The chair of the department of family practice may utilize both university and community facilities for the academic programs in family medicine.(C) Procedures for release of funds (1) Each college or school of medicine or medical university which has met the guidelines set forth in section 3333.11 of the Revised Code will be considered eligible for financial support.(2) Each school or college of medicine or medical university enter into an agreement with the chancellor of higher education in order to receive funds. The agreement and funding are contingent upon funding from the general assembly.Ohio Admin. Code 3333-1-12
Effective: 10/24/2022
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 4/14/2021 and 10/24/2027
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3333.04
Rule Amplifies: 3333.11
Prior Effective Dates: 11/02/1974, 03/10/2016