Section 3333-1-09 - Commercial Truck Driver Student Aid Program(A) Authority This rule is established by authority conferred upon the chancellor of the Ohio department of higher education, in consultation with the director of public safety, by section 3333.125 of the Revised Code.
(B) Policy and intent The purpose of the Commerical Truck Driver Student Aid Program is to promote and encourage Ohio's workforce development and job growth through educational training and retraining in programs related to employment opportunities in the commercial truck driving industry.
(C) A commercial truck driving school approved by the department of public safety as satisfying all of the requirements under section 3333.125 of the Revised Code may seek awards from the chancellor of the department of higher education to distribute grants and loans to students eligible under section 3333.125 of the Revised Code.(D) The necessary information for seeking an award under the program will be posted on the Ohio department of higher education web page, located at and may include the following information: (1) Instructions for submitting a proposal, including the timelines for proposals, the required format and any specific forms to be used in the proposal;(2) Eligibility requirements for submitting a proposal;(3) A description of the criteria that will be used to evaluate submitted proposals, which may include, but is not limited to:(a) The success rate of the commercial driving training program offered by the school;(b) The rate that the students obtain employment in the field upon completion of the commercial driving training program;(c) The extent to which the program has demonstrated support from business partners.(4) Any award amount minimums and maximums for a school, a program or a loan to the participant in a commercial driving training program;(5) A description of procedures that will be used to select the loan award recipients, which may include, but is not limited to, giving preference to certain criteria used to evaluate submitted proposals;(6) Terms for the grant or promissory note and repayment by a student of a grant/loan from the fund, including the interest rate;(7) Any special conditions or requirements that may accompany an award of funds, including but not limited to, the following:(a) Entering into an agreement with the chancellor governing the use and disbursement of the award;(b) Providing the chancellor with periodic program and fiscal reports as provided in the instructions for proposal and agreement;(c) Maintaining financial and non-financial records documenting the activities of the funded program for inspection and review at the discretion of the chancellor to ensure fiscal accountability, operating progress, and desired outcomes;(d) Repayment of an award for violating the terms of its agreement, plus interest calculated on any outstanding principal balance of that award, as described in the request for proposal and agreement;(e) Common marketing or branding strategy as specified by the chancellor for fund awardees.Ohio Admin. Code 3333-1-09
Effective: 2/14/2022
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 02/14/2027
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3333.125
Rule Amplifies: 3333.125