Section 3318-3-03 - Requirements(A) All new construction, renovation, repairs, and replacements of state funded facilities shall employ cost-effective, energy-efficient, green building practices to the maximum extent possible.(B) Each state agency shall:(1) Design and construct state funded facilities achieving the following minimum standards: (a) New construction shall be designed so that the fossil-fuel, greenhouse gas emitting, energy consumption of the facility is reduced, as compared to the regional average for that building type as defined in CBECS, by the percentage specified as follows: (i) Fifty per cent for designs completed on and after February 16, 2010;(ii) Sixty-five per cent for designs completed on and after January 1, 2015;(iii) Eighty per cent for designs completed on and after January 1, 2020;(iv) Ninety per cent for designs completed on and after January 1, 2025; and(v) One-hundred per cent for designs completed on and after January 1, 2030.(b) Renovation projects shall be designed so that the fossil-fuel, greenhouse gas emitting, energy consumption of the facility is reduced, as compared to the regional average for that building type as defined in CBECS, by fifty per cent.(c) A state agency may apply for a waiver of compliance from the Ohio facilities construction commission for the following reasons: (i) The facility does not consume energy for heating, ventilating, or air conditioning; or(ii) The facility is not designed for human occupancy.;or(iii) The consumption percentage is not economically achievable in the facility, but the facility can meet a proposed lesser percentage that is achievable.(2) Prior to constructing or renovating any facility five thousand square feet or greater, submit to the Ohio facilities construction commission a design that incorporates a life cycle cost analysis that shall determine the reasonably expected costs of facility ownership, operation, maintenance, and disposal including labor and materials for the economic life of the state funded facility. (3) Prior to leasing any facility twenty thousand square feet or greater within a given boundary, submit to the Ohio facilities construction commission an energy consumption analysis of the facility's heating, refrigeration, cooling, lighting, hot water, and other major energy-consuming systems, components, and equipment for the term of the proposed lease.Ohio Admin. Code 3318-3-03
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 1/6/2021 and 01/06/2026
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 123.21, 123.22(D)
Rule Amplifies: 123.22
Prior Effective Dates: 12/30/1980, 02/16/2010, 04/02/2012, 01/10/2016Effective: 1/10/2016
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 10/26/2015 and 01/10/2021
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 123.21, 123.22(D)
Rule Amplifies: 123.22
Prior Effective Dates: 12/30/1980, 02/16/2010, 4/2/2012