Section 3309-1-14 - Purchasing leave of absence service credit(A) A state retirement system member as defined in section 3309.474 of the Revised Code who while employed in a position covered by the school employees retirement system was out of service due to an unpaid leave of absence granted by the employer pursuant to section 3319.13 of the Revised Code for educational or professional purposes, illness, or disability may purchase service credit for the leave so long as the member provides certifications from the employer establishing the following: (1) That the employer granted the leave of absence pursuant to section 3319.13 of the Revised Code;(2) The beginning and ending dates of the leave;(3) The number of days the member would have worked during the leave period; and(4) The compensation the member would have received for the period of the approved leave.(B) Payment shall be made by payroll deduction or by payment to the member's employer who shall transmit the payment to the retirement system.(C) Service credit may not be purchased under this rule until the leave, including any extensions or renewals, has ended.(D) Service credit purchased under this rule may be purchased in increments of one month.(E) Amounts paid by a member to purchase service credit shall be credited to the employees' savings fund.(F) Service credit purchased under this rule shall be considered the equivalent of Ohio service credit.Ohio Admin. Code 3309-1-14
Effective: 5/1/2022
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 2/1/2022 and 02/01/2027
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3309.04
Rule Amplifies: 3309.474
Prior Effective Dates: 04/02/2010, 01/07/2013, 04/06/2017