Section 3304-2-67 - Home modifications(A) OOD may purchase home modifications only if they are necessary to enable the individual with a disability to participate in vocational rehabilitation services provided under an IPE, but also when needed to prepare for, secure, retain, advance in or regain an employment outcome.(B) Home modifications shall only be made to the primary residence of the individual with a disability. "Primary" means the home from which the individual would usually leave to go to work.(C) Home modifications shall not be made to new construction that has been built specifically for the individual with a disability.(D) To enable an individual with a disability to leave the home, home modifications are limited to providing one entrance/exit from the home.(E) Home modifications are limited to equipment and minimum modifications to enable the individual with a disability to participate in OOD services for employment, but also when needed to prepare for, secure, retain, advance in or regain an employment outcome.(F) To enable the individual with a disability to work at home, OOD may make additional essential modifications including equipment and access into a room of the home that is used to perform the work.(G) Home modifications may include a room addition, but only when a cost analysis indicates such construction is more cost effective than other modifications or options.(H) Modifications may be made to rental property for accessibility and shall be temporary or portable whenever possible. Written permission shall be obtained from the landlord prior to beginning the modification. (1) A written agreement between the landlord and the individual with a disability shall be signed by both parties and should outline the future responsibilities of each party should the individual with a disability vacate the property.(2) A copy of the agreement between the landlord and the individual with a disability shall be provided to OOD prior to any modification(s).(I) The OOD counselor shall authorize a rehabilitation technologist, rehabilitation engineer or architect to perform the home accessibility evaluation. The evaluator, and any company in which the evaluator holds an interest, is prohibited from bidding on the project.(J) An inspection shall be performed to determine if the property needs to be brought up to code before modifications are authorized. If modifications require upgrading existing systems (e.g. plumbing, electrical, etc.), the cost of upgrading these systems to meet building codes is the responsibility of the individual with a disability in accordance with rule 3304-2-52 of the Administrative Code.(K) The successful bidder shall provide a one-year warranty from the date of final acceptance of work against defective workmanship and shall guarantee that all materials/products/appliances installed or furnished perform their advertised function. Additional warranties may be provided by relevant manufacturers.(L) After the home modification is completed and final payment is issued to the contractor, the home modification equipment shall be released to the individual with a disability. OOD will have no further responsibility or liability for maintenance, repair, replacement, removal or restoration of the site. Replaces: 3304-2-67
Ohio Admin. Code 3304-2-67
Effective: 7/11/2020
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 07/01/2025
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3304.15(C)(1)
Rule Amplifies: 3304.15
Prior Effective Dates: 09/30/1985, 04/04/1988, 04/22/1991, 03/12/1993, 12/17/1993, 10/01/1996, 05/15/1998, 01/03/2000, 06/20/2002, 01/20/2004, 05/19/2005, 09/05/2006, 03/30/2009, 12/27/2013