Ohio Admin. Code 1509-1-18
If a party to a proceeding pending before the commission desires to secure the attendance of a witness to testify in said party's behalf, said party shall, at least twelve days prior to the date of hearing thereon, unless such time is lessened by the commission, file with the commission a praecipe therefor comparable to like praecipes used in proceedings before a common pleas court. The full name and address, including street name and number and county of residence, of the witness must be given; and if the praecipe is for a subpoena duces tecum, the specific books and records which the witness is required to bring with him shall be described in detail. Witness fees, if any, shall be paid directly to said witness by the party filing the praecipe therefor. Consistent with section 1509.36 of the Revised Code and with the Ohio criminal rules, the commission may designate a subpoena to be personally served by an attorney at law or by any other person deemed appropriate under the criminal rules.
Ohio Admin. Code 1509-1-18
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 119.03, 1509.35
Rule Amplifies: 1509.36
Prior Effective Dates: 06/06/1966, 05/31/1998, 06/15/2003, 09/30/2008, 06/20/2013, 05/05/2019
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 5/24/2018 and 05/31/2023
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 1509.35
Rule Amplifies: 1509.36
Prior Effective Dates: 06/06/1966, 05/31/1998, 06/15/2003, 09/30/2008, 06/20/2013