Section 1501:47-7-21 - Medina county park districtFor the purposes of this rule, "waters of the district" means any water areas within the boundaries of any park and any waters under the management authority of the Medina county park district.
The administrator of the Medina county park district, or the administrator's designee, may grant written permission for vessels exceeding the horsepower limits or motor restrictions established in this rule to operate on waters of the district if it is determined that the public safety will be adequately protected. Such a permit may be issued to park district personnel and contracted service providers for law enforcement, training, rescue, salvage, testing, and maintenance activities when necessary for safe and efficient operations. Written permission allowing for the operation of vessels that exceed established horsepower limits or motor restrictions may also be issued to the owners or operators of recreational vessels and commercial passenger carrying vessels when it is determined that greater horsepower is necessary for safe operations due to the size, shape, and weight of such vessels.
(A) Limitations on powercraft. (1) On any waters of the district except Chippewa lake: (a) It is unlawful to operate or permit the operation of any powercraft other than a powercraft propelled by an electric motor.(b) The operation of a powercraft propelled by an electric motor or combination of electric motors exceeding a total combined horsepower rating of ten horsepower is forbidden.(2) Upon the waters of Chippewa lake: (a) It is unlawful to operate or permit the operation of a powercraft propelled by a motor or combination of motors with a total combined horsepower rating in excess of three hundred, ninety-nine horsepower.(b) It is unlawful for any person to operate or permit the operation of a watercraft in manner that does not comply with an area of controlled operation as designated and marked under the provisions of section 1547.08 of the Revised Code.(c) No person is permitted to operate or permit the operation of a powercraft at a speed greater than idle speed or at a speed that creates a wake in the south bay, the western shore zone, or the eastern shore zone. (i) "South bay" includes all waters south of a line extending southeast from the boat launch (41° 3' 39.69" N 81° 54' 35.56" W) to the north end of Beau Bay beach (41° 3' 35.49" N 81° 54' 13.54" W) on the eastern shoreline.(ii) "Western shore zone" includes all waters of a uniform width of one- hundred feet lying parallel with and contiguous to the shoreline extending northward from the boat launch (41° 3' 39.69" N 81° 54' 35.56" W) to the inlet (41° 4' 24.21" N 81° 54' 40.47" W) along the western side of the lake.(iii) "Eastern shore zone" includes all waters of a uniform width of three- hundred feet lying parallel with and contiguous to the shoreline extending northward from the Beau Bay beach (41° 3' 35.49" N 81° 54' 13.54" W) to the inlet (41° 4' 24.21" N 81° 54' 40.47" W) along the eastern side of the lake. Exemptions to the Chippewa lake powercraft limitations may be granted by the administrator of the Medina county park district, or the administrator's designee, for sanctioned events or activities. Any person or organization wishing to apply for an exemption may submit an application detailing the dates, times, and any other information deemed to be necessary not less than thirty days prior to the commencement of such activities. Notice of an approved exemption will be provided to the applicant. Any person operating a powercraft while participating in exempted activities may be compelled to show proof of such exemption to law enforcement or Medina county park district personnel upon request. Failure to abide by provisions stated in the notice of exemption may result in the suspension or revocation of the exemption.
(B) It is unlawful for any person to operate, or permit to be operated, a powercraft at a speed in excess of idle speed on any waters of the district from sunset to sunrise local time.(C) It is unlawful for any person to voluntarily leave any vessel to swim in district waters except in a designated boater swim area.(D) The operation of submersibles, seaplanes, hovercraft, mechanically propelled airboats, wing-in-ground craft, and ski-free mechanisms is prohibited on all waters of the district.(E) It is unlawful for any person to operate or allow the operation of any mechanically powered apparatus, device, contrivance, or combination of a mechanically powered recreational vessel and any towable apparatus, device, or contrivance to become airborne over the waters of the district.(1) It is unlawful for any person, while operating a powercraft, to tow or allow the towing of any person using an apparatus, device, or other contrivance for the purpose of becoming airborne over the waters of the district.(2) It is unlawful for any person to utilize any device, or allow the utilization of any apparatus, device, or contrivance designed or used for the purpose of becoming airborne over the waters of the district while being towed by a powercraft.(3) It is unlawful for any person to use any hydro jet device while operating upon waters of the district. For the purposes of this rule, "hydro jet device" means a modular apparatus that is tethered to a mechanically powered recreational vessel or other type of power unit by a hose or conduit that delivers pressurized water allowing the device to utilize water jets for the purpose of allowing an operator or passenger to maneuver along the surface of the water, ascend above the surface of the water, or dive below the surface of the water by means of controlling the thrust and direction of the water jets.
Use of any sailboard or kite board, as defined in section 1547.532 of the Revised Code, is permitted on waters of the district, provided that any such vessel is operated in a safe manner and does not interfere with the navigation of other vessels.
(F) It is unlawful for any person to possess or overtly and publicly consume or display the presence of any beer or intoxicating liquor, as defined in section 4301.01 of the Revised Code, while occupying any vessel on the waters of the district.(G) It is unlawful for any person to use, access, moor, tie-up or otherwise secure a vessel to a privately held dock or park district dock designated for seasonal contractual use without permission of the owner or contracted lessee except in emergency situations or in storm conditions which constitute a hazard to the safety of any persons or property involved.(H) It is unlawful for any person to operate or permit the operation of a powercraft at a speed greater than idle speed on waters of the district or at a speed that creates at wake at any time when warning flags are posted.Ohio Admin. Code 1501:47-7-21
Effective: 6/30/2024
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 4/5/2024 and 06/30/2029
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 1546.04
Rule Amplifies: 1546.02, 1547.61, 1546.04, 1546.03
Prior Effective Dates: 01/10/2019