Upon a finding by the chief that a permit request is consistent with state park use and management objectives, the chief will issue an appropriate permit including any necessary terms and conditions. The terms and conditions of such permit will prevail where inconsistent with the provisions of this rule . No permit will be granted if it is determined by the chief that the specified activity has a reasonable probability of having any of the following effects:
A written permit to do any act authorizes the same only to the extent that it may be performed in strict accordance with the terms and conditions specified in such permit. Any act authorized by a permit may be performed only by the person or persons specifically authorized by such permit, and any such authorization may not be assigned or delegated, unless and except as provided in such permit. Any violation by its holder, its agents, employees, or guests of any term or condition specified in the permit constitutes grounds for its revocation by the chief whose action immediately invalidates the permit, revokes all authorized exemptions, and terminates any permitted activities or endeavors granted by such permit . In case of revocation of any permit, all fees collected by the division related to the processing of the permit may, at the option of the division be retained ; and the holder of such permit, together with any agents, employees, and guests of the permit holder who violated such terms and conditions shall be jointly and severally liable to the division for all damages and loss suffered by it in excess of such money retained; but neither such retention by the division of the whole or any part of such moneys nor the recovery or collection thereby of such damages, or both, shall in any manner relieve such person or persons from criminal liability for violation of any provision of any of these rules or any other state or local law, ordinance, rule or order.
Ohio Admin. Code 1501:46-5-01
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 8/9/2023 and 11/01/2028
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 1546.04
Rule Amplifies: 1546.02, 1546.04
Prior Effective Dates: 06/14/1975, 07/01/1980, 09/03/2018