Section 145-1-81 - Retirement plans(A) As used in Chapters 145-1 to 145-4 of the Administrative Code: (1) "Traditional pension plan" means the PERS defined benefit plan established under sections 145.201 to 145.70 of the Revised Code.(2) "Combined plan" means the PERS combined defined benefit/defined contribution plan defined in section 145.196 of the Revised Code. Unless specifically identified otherwise within the text of the Administrative Code, references to the combined plan document refer to the version that includes amendments adopted through January 1, 2024.(3) "Member-directed plan" means the PERS defined contribution plan established under section 145.81 of the Revised Code. Unless specifically identified otherwise within the text of the Administrative Code, references to the member-directed plan document refer to the version that includes amendments adopted through January 1, 2024.(B) The text of the combined and member-directed plan documents shall not be incorporated into this or any other rule of the Administrative Code. Current versions of the plan documents are available on the web site of the public employees retirement system at Admin. Code 145-1-81
Effective: 1/1/2025
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 9/25/2025
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 145.80
Rule Amplifies: 145.81
Prior Effective Dates: 01/01/2003, 01/01/2006, 05/08/2014, 03/23/2015 (Emer.), 06/06/2015, 04/18/2016, 01/01/2017, 01/01/2021, 01/01/2022