Section 1301:3-12-03 - Elevator safety review board; Meetings; Special meetings(A) The board shall post a list of all regularly scheduled meetings on the website of the division of industrial compliance. Any person may be informed of the time and place of all regularly scheduled meetings by writing to the elevator safety review board at "6606 Tussing Road, Reynoldsburg, Ohio, 43068," or calling the board at (614) 644-2223 between the hours of eight a.m. and five p.m., Monday through Friday. Additionally, any person, upon request, may obtain reasonable advance notification of all meetings at which a specific type of public business is to be discussed.(B)(1) The board shall post a schedule of all special meetings on the website of the division of industrial compliance. Any person may be informed of the time and place of all specially scheduled meetings by writing to or calling the elevator safety review board using the contact information listed in paragraph (A) of this rule.(2) Any representative of the news media may obtain notice of all special meetings by submitting a request for notice of special meeting in the following manner:(a) Addressing the request to: "Board Secretary, Elevator Safety Review Board, 6606 Tussing Rd., Reynoldsburg, Ohio, 43068-9009"; and(b) Providing the name of the individual media representative to be contacted, mailing address, e-mail address, and a maximum of two telephone numbers where the representative can be reached.(3) In the event of a special meeting, the board shall notify all media representatives on the list of such meeting by doing one of the following: sending written notice, which must be mailed no later than five calendar days prior to the event of the special meeting, or notifying such representatives by telephone no later than twenty-four hours prior to the special meeting; or informing such representative personally no later than twenty-four hours prior to the special meeting.(C) Questions of parliamentary procedure not otherwise provided for shall be governed by the most current version of "Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised."Ohio Admin. Code 1301:3-12-03
Effective: 9/6/2024
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 08/20/2029
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4785.08
Rule Amplifies: 4785.09-4785.092, 4785.99