Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 30, 2024
Section 1301:11-7-04 - Medical exception(A) The superintendent may grant a medical exception to any state registered, licensed or certified real estate appraiser for the requirements in sections 4763.06 and 4763.07 of the Revised Code provided all of the following are satisfied: (1) The real estate appraiser registration, license or certificate has been cancelled by the division for failure to satisfy the annual renewal requirements in sections 4763.06 and 4763.07 of the Revised Code;(2) A written request for a medical exception is filed with the division along with proof satisfactory that a medical exception is warranted. Proof shall include, but is not limited to:(a) A signed statement by the attending physician, advanced practice registered nurse, or doctoral credentialed clinical psychologist for registrant, licensee or certificate holder describing the disability;(b) A statement from the attending physician, advanced practice registered nurse, or doctoral credentialed clinical psychologist that the disability is of such a nature as to prevent the registrant, licensee or certificate holder from attending any continuing education instruction;(c) Description of the beginning date and the duration of the disability; and(d) The initial request for the medical exception is filed with the division within thirty days after the conclusion of the disability as described by the attending physician, advanced practice registered nurse, or doctoral credentialed clinical psychologist.(B) A registrant, licensee or certificate holder granted a medical exception under this rule shall have thirty days from the date of the mailing of the notice granting the medical exception to file with the division with all of the following: (1) A completed renewal application;(2) Submitting payment of all renewal fees and late fees as set forth in section 4763.09 of the Revised Code; and(3) A completed education compliance form along with proof of completion of all continuing education requirements. Proof of completion of the most recent edition of the seven hour national uniform standards of professional appraisal practice update course may be required.(C) The superintendent may grant an extension for the requirements in paragraph (B) of this rule for good cause shown.(D) Failure to satisfy the requirements in paragraph (B) of this rule or failure to obtain an extension from the superintendent in paragraph (C) of this rule shall result in the automatic withdrawal of the medical exception and the registrant, licensee or certificate holder must re-apply for a medical exception.Ohio Admin. Code 1301:11-7-04
Effective: 2/13/2022
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 11/29/2021 and 08/11/2026
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4763.03, 4763.06, 4763.07
Rule Amplifies: 4763.06, 4763.07
Prior Effective Dates: 08/22/2011