Section 124-11-10 - Service(A) All documents filed with the board shall be served upon the opposing party. Failure to comply with this rule may result in the board striking the document from the record.(B) Any document required by these rules to be served upon a party may be served personally, by United States mail, by a courier delivery service company, or electronically. When a party is represented by a representative who has entered an appearance, service shall be made upon that representative. Service is complete on the date of mailing, or on the date of personal transmission of the document, or on the date of electronic transmission.(C) All motions and briefs shall contain the name, mailing address, email address, if applicable, and telephone number of the person filing the motion or brief.(D) A motion shall be considered by the board only if a certificate of service appears on it. Any statement, signed by either the moving party or the party's representative, is an acceptable certificate of service so long as it contains all of the following information: (2) Method by which service was made,(3) Address where service was made, and(4) Name of the person or authority who was served.Ohio Admin. Code 124-11-10
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 11/29/2023 and 11/29/2028
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 124.03
Rule Amplifies: 124.03, 124.14, 124.328, 124.33, 124.34, 124.40, 124.56
Prior Effective Dates: 07/01/1979, 03/01/1993, 05/18/2000, 03/24/2014Effective: 3/24/2014
R.C. 119.032 review dates: 01/07/2014 and 01/07/2019
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 124.03
Rule Amplifies: 124.03, 124.14, 124.328, 124.33, 124.34, 124.40, 124.56
Prior Effective Dates: 7/1/79, 3/1/93