Section 123:6-1-02 - Assignment of vehicles(A) Each state agency shall limit the size of its fleet to a number that is necessary for efficient and effective business operations. In addition, each agency shall maximize the number of motor pool vehicles within its fleet.(B) Each state agency shall make available its pool of motor vehicles to employees for necessary business-related travel only.(C) A state agency may not assign any state motor vehicle for long term regular work-related use, unless both of the following are met: (1) The employee's regular work-related activities require frequent business travel; and
(2) The employee's work-related activities require motor vehicle travel that exceeds the established minimum number of annual business miles as determined by the Ohio department of administrative services, pursuant to division (O) of section 125.832 of the Revised Code.(D) A state agency may not assign any state motor vehicle for long-term regular commuting, unless no vehicle is available in the agency's pool of motor vehicles and any of the following are met: (1) The state agency requires that an employee be "on-call" twenty-four hours a day for each of the seven days of the week, in order to meet non-business hours emergency, security or public communications needs; or(2) The state employee is required to use specialized equipment that cannot be attached to an employee personal vehicle or would impractical to be transported in an employee's personal vehicle; or(3) The employee is required to travel to and from various work locations throughout the state and meets the requirements of paragraph (E) of this rule.(E) The director of administrative services shall approve all assignments of motor vehicles. Each state agency shall provide the director all necessary information regarding a request to assign a vehicle to an agency employee. The state agency shall provide the necessary information prior to assignment and on a form and in a format prescribed by the director.(F) Failure to maintain current and accurate employee assignment information may result in the department of administrative services revoking all or part of the authority delegated to an agency pursuant to division (G) of section 125.832 of the Revised Code.(G) The department of administrative services may revoke the authority delegated to the agency pursuant to division (G) of section 125.832 of the Revised Code at any time when an agency substantially deviates from the policies and procedures as set forth by the department or fails to provide information as requested by the department.Ohio Admin. Code 123:6-1-02
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 3/26/2019 and 03/12/2024
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: R.C. 125.832
Rule Amplifies: R.C. 125.832
Prior Effective Dates: 08/01/2006, 03/16/2009, 08/06/2014, 02/29/2016Effective: 2/29/2016
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 03/12/2019
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: ORC 125.832
Rule Amplifies: ORC 125.832
Prior Effective Dates: 8/1/06, 3/16/09, 8/6/2014