Section 123:1-34-08 - Olympic competition leaveAny employee in the service of the state will be granted olympic competition leave without loss of pay to participate in olympic competition sanctioned by the United States olympic committee. Participation in olympic competition includes duties as a coach, judge, official, or athlete.
(A) Length of leave. Olympic competition leave will not exceed the aggregate time needed for reasonable precompetition training at the competition site, actual participation in the competition, and reasonable travel time to and from the competition site.(B) Compensation. Pay for each week of olympic competition leave will not exceed the amount the employee would receive for the employee's standard work week as defined in section 124.18 of the Revised Code. The employee will not be paid for any day spent in olympic competition for which the employee would not ordinarily receive pay as part of the employee's regular employment.(C) Additional leave. An employee who receives olympic competition leave upon request will be granted vacation leave or a leave of absence without pay to remain at the competition site until the close of the competition. (D) Written request. Requests for olympic competition leave will be in writing to the appointing authority at least thirty calendar days prior to the effective date of the leave being requested. If the employee is selected less than thirty calendar days prior to the effective date of the requested leave, the employee will make the request for olympic competition leave within one week of such selection. The request will include: (1) Proof of selection signed by an official of the United States olympic committee.(2) Dates of official precompetition training at the competition site.(3) A list of the employee's competition events together with dates of actual competition. If the event is one in which contestants compete until eliminated, making it impossible to precisely indicate all days of actual competition prior to taking the leave, the employee will submit a list of the days on which the employee actually competed upon return from the competition.(4) Dates of travel time to and from the competition.(5) If entitled to vacation leave, a statement that such leave is to be used as indicated in paragraph (C) of this rule.Ohio Admin. Code 123:1-34-08
Effective: 12/10/2023
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 9/15/2023 and 09/15/2028
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 124.09
Rule Amplifies: 9.46, 124.09
Prior Effective Dates: 01/10/1982, 11/18/2012