Section 111:3-10-01 - DefinitionsFor purposes of Chapter 111:3-10 of the Administrative Code:
(A) "Print vendor" means any company that manufactures, produces, prints, or directly mails ballots and other balloting materials pursuant to section 3505.13 of the Revised Code for use in an election conducted pursuant to Title XXXV of the Revised Code.(B) "Ballot" has the same meaning as in section 3506.01 of the Revised Code, including absent voter's ballots or uniformed services or overseas absent voter's ballots.(C) "Board" or "board of elections" means the board of elections appointed in a county pursuant to section 3501.06 of the Revised Code that is contracting with a print vendor.(D) "Manufacture" means any process used to print ballots for use in an election.(E) "Attestation form" means a legal document prescribed by the secretary of state that confirms the compliance of a print vendor with applicable Ohio ballot printing laws or rules, including this chapter. The form shall include: (1) Identifying information of a print vendor;(2) Contact information, including an emergency contact, for individuals with the managerial responsibility for ballot printing contracts;(3) The name of the contracting county board of elections;(4) Documentation detailing how the print vendor intends to comply with the requirements in this chapter;(5) Information on the equipment and supplies used by the print vendor;(6) Any other information that the secretary of state determines necessary.(F) "Equipment and supplies" mean any machinery, paper, ink, and other chemicals used by a print vendor to manufacture and print ballots.(G) "Ballot style" means the specifications for ballots in section 3505.08 of the Revised Code and the contract between a print vendor and board of elections.(H) "Mailing materials" includes envelopes, instructions, inserts, stamps, ballots, and postage class used for the purpose of absentee voting.(I) "Security supplement" means the terms and conditions that boards are required to include in service contracts for the purpose of ensuring cyber- and physical security. Those terms and conditions are prescribed by directives of the secretary of state.Ohio Admin. Code 111:3-10-01
Effective: 11/20/2023
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 11/20/2028
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3505.13(D)
Rule Amplifies: 3505.13