N.D. Admin. Code 82-02-01-01

Current through Supplement No. 395, January, 2025
Section 82-02-01-01 - Definitions

Unless made inappropriate by context, all words used in this title have the meanings given to them under North Dakota Century Code chapter 15-39.1. The following definitions are not established by statute and apply for the purpose of this title:

1. "Acceptance of benefit" means the benefit payment date that is the first calendar day of each month for benefits paid by paper check or electronic funds transfer to a financial institution.
2. "Account balance" or "value of account" means the member's accumulated contributions or assessments, plus the sum of any member purchase or repurchase payments, plus interest at an annual rate of six percent compounded monthly.
3. "Administrative" means to manage, direct, or superintend a program, service, or school district or other participating employer.
4. "Benefit payment date" means the date the member is paid a benefit which is the first day of the month. Benefits may be paid retroactive to a member's retirement date.
5. "Benefit service credit" means employment service used to determine benefits payable under the fund.
6. "Bonus" means an amount paid to a member in addition to regular contract salary which does not increase the member's base rate of pay, is not expected to recur or continue in future fiscal years, or is not expected to be a permanent salary increase. A bonus is not considered eligible retirement salary and is not subject to payment of member and employer contributions.

Bonuses include the following:

a. Recruitment or contract signing payments defined in North Dakota Century Code section 15.1-09-33.1.
b. Retention, experience, or service-related payments.
c. Early retirement incentive payments, severance payments, or other payments conditioned on or made in anticipation of a member's retirement or termination.
d. Payments made to recognize or reward a member's accomplishments or service.
e. Other special or irregular payments which the board determines to be bonuses using criteria and documentation described in section 82-04-02-01.
7. "Cessation of employment" means severance or termination of employment.
8. "Contributions" means the assessments or payments made to the fund.
9. "Covered employment" means employment as a teacher in a North Dakota state agency, state institution, school district, special education unit, regional education association, or other governing body of a school district.
10. "Covered payroll" means all amounts included in payroll, salary, or compensation paid to active members on which contributions to and benefits from the pension plan are based according to the definition of salary in subsection 10 of North Dakota Century Code section 15-39.1-04. Covered payroll may also be referred to as pensionable or eligible payroll, salary, compensation, or earnings.
11. "Dual member" is a member who is also a member of an alternative plan as defined in North Dakota Century Code section 15-39.1-10.3.
12. "Eligibility service credit" means employment service used to determine vesting and benefit eligibility for dual members and qualified veterans under the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994. Eligibility service credit is not used for benefit calculation purposes.
13. "Extracurricular services" means outside of the regular curriculum of a school district or other participating employer which includes advising, directing, monitoring, or coaching athletics, music, drama, journalism, and other supplemental programs.
14. "Member" is a teacher as defined in North Dakota Century Code section 15-39.1-04 who is a participant in the fund.
15. "Participating employer" means the employer of a teacher, including a North Dakota state agency, state institution, school district, special education unit, area career and technology center, regional education association, or other governing body of a school district who contributes to the teachers' fund for retirement.
16. "Performance or merit pay" means an amount paid to a member pursuant to a written compensation plan or policy that links a member's compensation to attainment of specific performance goals and duties. The specific goals, duties, and performance measures under which performance pay is expected to be made must be determined in advance of the performance period and documented in writing. Performance or merit pay may be in addition to regular salary or may replace regular salary increases. Performance or merit pay is considered eligible retirement salary and subject to payment of member and employer contributions, unless the teachers' fund for retirement board determines the payments are ineligible salary using criteria and documentation described in section 82-04-02-01.
17. "Plan year" means the twelve consecutive months commencing July first of the calendar year and ending June thirtieth of the subsequent year.
18. "Referee" means all sporting and nonsporting event judges and officials, including referees, umpires, line judges, scorekeepers, timekeepers, ticket takers, ushers, and other judges or officials.
19. "Retirement date" means the date selected by the member to begin retirement benefits. The benefit is calculated as of the retirement date and can be no earlier than the first day of the month following eligibility for retirement benefits or the first day of the month following eligibility for disability or death benefits. Notwithstanding the foregoing a member's retirement will not be effective until the member accepts the first benefit payment.
20. "Salary reduction or salary deferral amounts under 26 U.S.C. section 125, 132(f), 401(k), 403(b), or 457" means amounts deducted from a member's salary, at the member's option, to these plans. These reductions or deferrals are part of salary when calculating retirement contributions. Employer contributions to plans specified in 26 U.S.C. section 125, 132(f), 401(k), 403(b), or 457 which are made for the benefit of the member will not be counted as retirement salary when calculating retirement contributions. Member contributions paid by the employer under IRC section 414(h) pursuant to a salary reduction agreement do not reduce salary when calculating retirement contributions.
21. "Special teachers" include licensed special education teachers, guidance and school counselors, speech and language pathologists, social workers, school psychologists, librarians, media specialists, technology coordinators, program coordinators, and other staff members licensed by the education standards and practices board provided they are under contract with a school district or other participating employer to provide teaching, supervisory, administrative, or extracurricular services.
22. "Supervisory" means to have general oversight or authority over students or teachers, or both, of a school district or other participating employer.
23. "Teaching" means to impart knowledge or skills to students or teachers, or both, by means of oral or written lessons, instructions, and information.
24. "Vested" means the status attained by a teacher when the teacher has earned three years of service credit for a tier one member or five years of service credit for a tier two member for covered employment in this state.
25. "Written agreement" means a teaching contract, school board minutes, or other official document evidencing a contractual relationship between a teacher and participating employer.

N.D. Admin Code 82-02-01-01

Effective September 1, 1990; amended effective May 1, 1992; May 1, 1998; May 1, 2000; May 1, 2004; July 1, 2008; July 1, 2012.
Amended by Administrative Rules Supplement 2016-360, April 2016, effective 4/1/2016.
Amended by Administrative Rules Supplement 2024-392, April 2024, effective 4/1/2024.

General Authority: NDCC 15-39.1-07

Law Implemented: NDCC 15-39.1