Chapter 54-02-02 - Reexamination
- Section 54-02-02-01 - Rewriting the practical nurse licensing examination [Repealed]
- Section 54-02-02-02 - Rewriting the registered nurse licensing examination [Repealed]
- Section 54-02-02-03 - Failure of licensing examination
- Section 54-02-02-04 - Time limit on rewriting parts of the registered nurse examination [Repealed]
- Section 54-02-02-05 - Fee to rewrite the practical nurse examination [Repealed]
- Section 54-02-02-06 - Fee to rewrite the registered nurse examination [Repealed]
- Section 54-02-02-07 - Failure of licensing examination in another state [Repealed]
- Section 54-02-02-08 - Failure of registered nurse licensing examination in another state [Repealed]
- Section 54-02-02-09 - Unlimited attempts to write the licensing examination