Section 48.1-04-01-03 - Disease control1. Anthrax. a. Bison located on farms where anthrax has been diagnosed must be vaccinated. Bison must be quarantined for thirty days after the death of the last animal or thirty days following vaccination, whichever occurs last.b. Sale of hides removed from bison infected with anthrax is prohibited.2. Brucellosis. a. The recommended brucellosis eradication uniform methods and rules as they appear in publication of USDA-APHIS-VS are hereby adopted and constitute a rule of the board, unless otherwise ordered by the board.b. Condemnation of infected bison.(1) The state veterinarian shall determine when an animal is infected with brucellosis, and if infected, shall condemn the animal.(2) Bison which are condemned due to brucellosis must be marked in accordance with a method prescribed by the state veterinarian.(3) Animals must be slaughtered within thirty days following condemnation.c. Brucellosis vaccination of calves. (1) Female bison animals may be vaccinated from four through eighteen months (one hundred twenty through five hundred forty-seven days) of age with a vaccine approved by the state veterinarian.(2) Vaccinated animals must be marked in accordance with a method approved by the state veterinarian.(3) The accredited veterinarian shall submit reports of vaccination, on the appropriate form provided by USDA-APHIS-VS, to the board within thirty days.d. Sale of bison out of brucellosis-infected herds. Herds of bison infected with brucellosis must be quarantined, with the quarantine prohibiting sale of all intact bulls and females except to licensed, monitored feedlots or for slaughter under written permit. Such bison must be held separate and apart. The state veterinarian may grant an exception by official permit as provided in this section.3. Tuberculosis. a. Uniform methods and rules - Tuberculosis. The current uniform methods and rules on bison tuberculosis eradication as they appear in publication of USDA-APHIS-VS are hereby adopted and constitute a rule of the board, unless otherwise ordered by the board.b. Condemnation of infected bison. (1) The state veterinarian shall determine when an animal is infected with tuberculosis, and if infected, shall condemn the animal.(2) All bison that are determined to be infected with tuberculosis must be marked in accordance with a method prescribed by the state veterinarian.(3) All animals must be slaughtered within thirty days following condemnation.c. Reactors to tuberculosis must be accompanied by the proper official permit and are to be slaughtered in slaughter establishments under the supervision of the federal government or in another facility approved by the state veterinarian.N.D. Admin Code 48.1-04-01-03
Adopted by Administrative Rules Supplement 2016-361, July 2016, effective 7/1/2016..Amended by Administrative Rules Supplement 2024-393, July 2024, effective 7/1/2024.General Authority: NDCC 36-01-08
Law Implemented: NDCC 36-01-08