N.D. Admin. Code 20-02-01-01

Current through Supplement No. 394, October, 2024
Section 20-02-01-01 - Advertising
1. Advertising by dentists is permitted to disseminate information for the purpose of providing the public a sufficient basis upon which to make an informed selection of dentists. In the interest of protecting the public health, safety, and welfare, advertising which is false, deceptive, or misleading is prohibited.
2. All advertising must contain the legal name of the dentist, or a reasonable variation thereof. In the case of a partnership or corporation, the name used in the advertisement may be the true name of the partnership or corporation. The advertisement must also contain the location, or locations, of the dentist, partnership, or corporation. It is false or misleading for a dentist to hold themselves out to the public as a specialist, or any variation of that term, in a practice area unless the dentist meets the criteria of subsection 3.
3. A dentist engaged in general practice who wishes to announce the services available in the dentist's practice is permitted to announce the availability of those services as long as the dentist avoids using language that expresses or implies that the dentist is a specialist. If a dentist, other than a specialist, wishes to advertise a limitation of practice, such advertisement must state that the limited practice is being conducted by a general dentist. A dentist who is a specialist may announce the dentist's bona fide specialty provided that the dentist has successfully completed a qualifying postdoctoral educational program accredited by an agency recognized by the United States department of education, of full-time study two or more years in length, resulting in a master of science degree or certificate from an accredited program or be a diplomate of a nationally recognized certifying board approved by this board. Such a dentist may announce that the dentist's practice is limited to the special area of dental practice in which the dentist has or wishes to announce. In determining whether an organization is a qualifying specialty board or organization, the board shall consider the following standards:
a. Whether the organization requires completion of an educational program with didactic, clinical, and experiential requirements appropriate for the specialty or subspecialty field of dentistry in which the dentist seeks certification, and the collective didactic, clinical, and experiential requirements are similar in scope and complexity to a qualifying postdoctoral educational program. Programs that require solely experiential training, continuing education classes, on-the-job training, or payment to the specialty board shall not constitute a qualifying specialty board or organization;
b. Whether the organization requires all dentists seeking certification to pass a written or oral examination, or both, that tests the applicant's knowledge and skill in the specialty or subspecialty area of dentistry and includes a psychometric evaluation for validation;
c. Whether the organization has written rules on maintenance of certification and requires periodic recertification;
d. Whether the organization has written bylaws and a code of ethics to guide the practice of its members;
e. Whether the organization has staff to respond to consumer and regulatory inquiries; and
f. Whether the organization is recognized by another entity whose primary purpose is to evaluate and assess dental specialty boards and organizations.
4. A dentist who advertises on radio or television must retain a recorded copy of such advertising for a period of one year following the termination of the use of such advertising, and is responsible to make recorded copies of such advertising available to the North Dakota state board of dental examiners within thirty days following a request from the board for such copies.
5. No dentist may advertise the dentist, the dentist's staff, the dentist's services, or the dentist's method or methods of delivery of dental services to be superior to those of any other licensed dentist, unless such claim or claims can be substantiated by the advertiser, upon whom rests the burden of proof.
6. This section may not be construed to prohibit a dentist who does not qualify to hold themself out to the public as a specialist under subsection 3 from restricting the dental practice to one or more specific areas of dentistry or from advertising the availability of dental services, provided that such advertisements do not include the term "specialist", or any variation of that term, and must state that the services advertised are to be provided by a general dentist. No advertising by a dentist may contain representations or other information contrary to the provisions of North Dakota Century Code section 43-28-18 or North Dakota Administrative Code title 20.

N.D. Admin Code 20-02-01-01

Effective September 1, 1980; amended effective February 1, 1992; October 1, 1993.
Amended by Administrative Rules Supplement 2015-355, January 2015, effective 1/1/2015.
Amended by Administrative Rules Supplement 2015-356, April 2015, effective 4/1/2015.
Amended by Administrative Rules Supplement 2021-380, April 2021, effective 4/1/2021.
Amended by Administrative Rules Supplement 2022-385, July 2022, effective 7/1/2022.

General Authority: NDCC 43-28-06

Law Implemented: NDCC 43-28-06, 43-28-10, 43-28-10.1, 43-28-18