[NOTE] Each tariff revision of wording, rearrangement, other changes, additions or deletions shall be explained in consecutive order in the transmittal letter in the sequence in which they appear.
Each tariff filing shall be treated as original in that all required information shall be submitted with each filing regardless if similar or identical information such as cost study data or technical data has been submitted with previous filings.
Unrelated new service offerings shall not be included in the same tariff filing. Neither shall unrelated tariff changes be included in the same tariff filing.
One copy of technical explanation, marketing data or other information necessary to describe the proposed additions or changes shall be included as a part of the tariff filing.
Any telephone utility with 12,500 or fewer access lines in service shall submit cost data or file a rate already on file by some other company in North Carolina. Should the latter choice be made, explanation shall be included as to the name of the company from whom the rates were copied and the tariff section, sheet and item number of the other company's tariff.
Supporting data and/or explanations of how dollar amounts appearing on cost studies were obtained shall be included.
This subsection shall not apply to a telephone utility that is subject to price regulation unless cost study data (i) is requested by the Public Staff or the Commission; or (ii) is required to be filed in response to a complaint alleging anticompetitive conduct by the utility.
Any tariff filings to make changes of existing maps shall include three (3) copies of said map plus a location map so marked with the proposed changes indicated in red pencil in lieu of the right hand margin notation specified in the preceding paragraph.
All tariff filings shall be received at the Commission offices at least 30 days before the date upon which they are to become effective, except as provided in G.S. 62-134, and except those tariff filings made in response to a Commission order.
04 N.C. Admin. Code 11 R09-04