The North Carolina Plant Conservation Board hereby establishes the following list of protected plant species (** indicates federally listed):
Species Status
Species | Status | |
(1) | Acmispon helleri Carolina Prairie-trefoil; | Threatened |
(2) | Acrobolbus ciliatus A liverwort; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(3) | Adiantum capillus-veneris Venus Hair Fern; | Threatened |
(4) | Adlumia fungosa Climbing Fumitory; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(5) | Aeschynomene virginica** Sensitive Jointvetch; | Threatened |
(6) | Agalinis virgata Branched Gerardia; | Threatened |
(7) | Agrostis mertensii Arctic Bentgrass; | Endangered |
(8) | Aletris lutea Yellow Colic-root; | Threatened |
(9) | Allium allegheniense Allegheny Onion; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(10) | Allium keeverae Keever's Onion; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(11) | Alnus crispa Green Alder; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(12) | Amaranthus pumilus** Seabeach Amaranth; | Threatened |
(13) | Amorpha confusa Savanna Indigo-bush; | Threatened |
(14) | Amorpha georgiana Georgia Indigo-bush; | Endangered |
(15) | Amphicarpum muhlenbergianum Florida Goober Grass, Blue Maidencane; | Endangered |
(16) | Anemone berlandieri Southern Anemone; | Endangered |
(17) | Anemone caroliniana Prairie Anemone; | Endangered |
(18) | Arabis adpressipilis Hairy Rockcress; | Endangered |
(19) | Arethusa bulbosa Bog Rose; | Endangered |
(20) | Aristida condensata Big Three-awn Grass; | Threatened |
(21) | Aristida simpliciflora Chapman's Three-awn; | Endangered |
(22) | Arnoglossum ovatum var. lanceolatum Savanna Indian-plantain; | Endangered |
(23) | Asclepias cinerea Carolina Milkweed; | Special Concern, Historical |
(24) | Asclepias pedicellata Savanna Milkweed; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(25) | Asplenium heteroresiliens Carolina Spleenwort; | Endangered |
(26) | Asplenium monanthes Single-sorus Spleenwort; | Endangered |
(27) | Asplenium ruta-muraria var. cryptolepis American Wall-rue; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(28) | Astragalus michauxii Sandhills Milkvetch; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(29) | Baccharis glomeruliflora Silverling; | Endangered |
(30) | Bacopa caroliniana Blue Water-hyssop; | Threatened |
(31) | Bacopa innominata Tropical Water-hyssop; | Special Concern, Historical |
(32) | Balduina atropurpurea Purple-disk Honeycomb-head; | Endangered |
(33) | Baptista aberrans Eastern Prairie Blue Wild Indigo | Endangered |
(34) | Baptisia alba Thick-pod White Wild Indigo; | Threatened |
(35) | Baptisia bracteata Creamy Wild Indigo; | Special Concern, Historical |
(36) | Berberis canadensis American Barberry; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(37) | Betula cordifolia Mountain Paper Birch; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(38) | Bouteloua curtipendula var. curtipendula Sideoats Grama; | Threatened |
(39) | Bromus ciliatus Fringed Brome; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(40) | Buchnera americana American Bluehearts; | Endangered |
(41) | Buckleya distichophylla Piratebush; | Threatened |
(42) | Bulbostylis warei Ware's Hair Sedge; | Special Concern, Historical |
(43) | Calamagrostis cainii Cain's Reedgrass; | Endangered |
(44) | Calamagrostis canadensis var. canadensis Canada Reedgrass; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(45) | Calopogon multiflorus Many-flowered Grass-pink; | Endangered |
(46) | Caltha palustris var. palustris Marsh Marigold; | Endangered |
(47) | Camassia scilloides Wild Hyacinth; | Threatened |
(48) | Campanula rotundifolia Bluebells; | Endangered |
(49) | Campylium stellatum Yellow Starry Fen Moss; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(50) | Cardamine dissecta Dissected Toothwort; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(51) | Cardamine longii Long's Bittercress; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(52) | Cardamine micranthera** Small-anthered Bittercress; | Endangered |
(53) | Carex arctata Black Sedge; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(54) | Carex argyrantha Hay Sedge; | Endangered |
(55) | Carex barrattii Barratt's Sedge; | Special Concern, Historical |
(56) | Carex basiantha Widow Sedge; | Endangered |
(57) | Carex buxbaumii Brown Bog Sedge; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(58) | Carex calcifugens Calcium-fleeing Sedge; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(59) | Carex careyana Carey's Sedge; | Threatened |
(60) | Carex cherokeensis Cherokee Sedge; | Threatened |
(61) | Carex conoidea Cone-shaped Sedge, Field Sedge; | Threatened |
(62) | Carex cristatella Crested Sedge; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(63) | Carex eburnea Bristle-leaf Sedge; | Threatened |
(64) | Carex exilis Coastal Sedge; | Endangered |
(65) | Carex hormathodes Marsh Straw Sedge; | Threatened |
(66) | Carex impressinervia Ravine Sedge; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(67) | Carex jamesii James's Sedge; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(68) | Carex lasiocarpa var. americana Slender Sedge; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(69) | Carex lutea** Golden Sedge; | Endangered |
(70) | Carex meadii Mead's Sedge; | Endangered |
(71) | Carex oligocarpa Rich-woods Sedge; | Threatened |
(72) | Carex oligosperma Few-seeded Sedge; | Endangered |
(73) | Carex pedunculata var. pedunculata Longstalk Sedge; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(74) | Carex radfordii Radford's Sedge; | Threatened |
(75) | Carex reniformis Kidney Sedge; | Threatened |
(76) | Carex superata Limestone Forest Sedge; | Threatened |
(77) | Carex tenax Wire Sedge; | Endangered |
(78) | Carex trichocarpa Hairy-fruited Sedge; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(79) | Carex trisperma Three-seeded Sedge; | Endangered |
(80) | Carex utriculata Beaked Sedge; | Endangered |
(81) | Carex vesicaria Inflated Sedge; | Endangered |
(82) | Carex vestita Velvet Sedge; | Threatened |
(83) | Carya laciniosa Big Shellbark Hickory; | Threatened |
(84) | Carya myristiciformis Nutmeg Hickory; | Endangered |
(85) | Caulophyllum giganteum Northern Blue Cohosh; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(86) | Celastrus scandens American Bittersweet; | Endangered |
(87) | Cetraria arenaria Sand-loving Iceland Lichen; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(88) | Chamerion angustifolium ssp. circumvagum Fireweed; | Endangered |
(89) | Chasmanthium nitidum Shiny Spanglegrass; | Threatened |
(90) | Chelone cuthbertii Cuthbert's Turtlehead; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(91) | Chenopodiastrum simplex Mapleleaf Goosefoot; | Threatened |
(92) | Chiloscyphus appalachianus A liverwort; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(93) | Chiloscyphus muricatus A liverwort; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(94) | Chrysoma pauciflosculosa Woody Goldenrod; | Endangered |
(95) | Cirsium carolinianum Carolina Thistle; | Endangered |
(96) | Cirsium lecontei LeConte's Thistle; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(97) | Clematis occidentalis var. occidentalis Mountain Clematis; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(98) | Clinopodium georgianum Georgia Calamint; | Endangered |
(99) | Collinsonia verticillata Whorled Horsebalm; | Threatened |
(100) | Conioselinum chinense Hemlock-parsley; | Threatened |
(101) | Coptis trifolia Goldthread; | Threatened |
(102) | Coreopsis aristulata Short-awned Coreopsis; | Threatened |
(103) | Corydalis micrantha Slender Corydalis; | Threatened |
(104) | Coryphopteris simulata Bog Fern; | Endangered |
(105) | Crataegus pallens Pale Hawthorn; | Threatened |
(106) | Crinum americanum var. americanum Swamp-lily; | Special Concern, Historical |
(107) | Crocanthemum bicknellii Plains Sunrose; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(108) | Crocanthemum carolinianum Carolina Sunrose; | Endangered |
(109) | Crocanthemum corymbosum Pinebarren Sunrose; | Threatened |
(110) | Crocanthemum georgianum Georgia Sunrose; | Endangered |
(111) | Crocanthemum nashii Florida Scrub Sunrose, Florida Scrub Frostweed; | Endangered |
(112) | Crocanthemum propinquum Creeping Sunrose; | Threatened |
(113) | Crocanthemum rosmarinifolium Rosemary Sunrose; | Threatened |
(114) | Croton monanthogynus Prairie-tea Croton; | Endangered |
(115) | Cyperus dentatus Toothed Flatsedge; | Special Concern, Historical |
(116) | Cyperus granitophilus Granite Flatsedge; | Threatened |
(117) | Cyperus lecontei LeConte's Flatsedge; | Threatened |
(118) | Cyperus subsquarrosus Small-flowered Halfchaff; | Special Concern, Historical |
(119) | Cyperus tetragonus Four-angled Flatsedge; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(120) | Cyperus virens Greens Flatsedge; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(121) | Cystopteris tennesseensis Tennessee Bladder-fern; | Endangered |
(122) | Dactylorhiza viridis Long-bracted Frog Orchid; | Threatened |
(123) | Dalibarda repens Robin Runaway; | Endangered |
(124) | Delphinium exaltatum Tall Larkspur; | Threatened |
(125) | Deschampsia cespitosa ssp. glauca Tufted Hairgrass; | Threatened |
(126) | Desmodium ochroleucum White Tick-trefoil, Creamy Tick-trefoil; | Special Concern, Historical |
(127) | Desmodium sessilifolium Sessile Tick-trefoil; | Special Concern, Historical |
(128) | Diarrhena americana Eastern Beakgrain; | Threatened |
(129) | Dichanthelium annulum Ringed Witchgrass; | Endangered |
(130) | Dichanthelium caerulescens Blue Witchgrass; | Threatened |
(131) | Dichanthelium hirstii Hirst Brothers' Witchgrass; | Endangered |
(132) | Dichanthelium spretum Eaton's Witchgrass; | Endangered |
(133) | Dichanthelium strigosum var. glabrescens Hairless Witchgrass; | Threatened |
(134) | Diervilla rivularis Riverbank Bush-honeysuckle; | Threatened |
(135) | Dionaea muscipula Venus Flytrap; | Threatened |
(136) | Diplachne maritima Salt-meadow Grass; | Endangered |
(137) | Drosera filiformis var. filifformis Threadleaf Sundew; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(138) | Echinacea laevigata** Smooth Coneflower; | Endangered |
(139) | Eleocharis cellulosa Gulfcoast Spikerush; | Threatened |
(140) | Eleocharis elongata Florida Spikerush; | Endangered |
(141) | Eleocharis parvula Dwarf Spikerush; | Threatened |
(142) | Eleocharis robbinsii Robbins' Spikerush; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(143) | Eleocharis vivipara Viviparous Spikerush; | Threatened |
(144) | Elymus trachycaulus ssp. trachycaulus Slender Wheatgrass; | Threatened |
(145) | Enemion biternatum Eastern Isopyrun; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(146) | Epidendrum conopseum Green-fly Orchid; | Threatened |
(147) | Erigenia bulbosa Harbinger-of-spring; | Threatened |
(148) | Eriocaulon aquaticum Seven-angled Pipewort; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(149) | Eriocaulon parkeri Estuary Pipewort; | Threatened |
(150) | Eriocaulon texense Texas Hatpins; | Endangered |
(151) | Eriogonum tomentosum Southern Wild-buckwheat | Special Concern, Historical |
(152) | Erythrina herbacea Coralbean; | Endangered |
(153) | Eupatorium leptophyllum Limesink Dog-fennel; | Endangered |
(154) | Eupatorium paludicola Bay Boneset; | Endangered |
(155) | Euphorbia commutata Cliff Spurge; | Threatened |
(156) | Euphorbia cordifolia Heartleaf Sandmat; | Threatened |
(157) | Euphorbia mercurialina Cumberland Spurge; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(158) | Filipendula rubra Queen-of-the-Prairie; | Endangered |
(159) | Fimbristylis perpusilla Harper's Fimbry; | Threatened |
(160) | Gaillardia aestivalis var. aestivalis Sandhills Blanket-flower; | Endangered |
(161) | Galactia mollis Soft Milk-pea; | Threatened |
(162) | Gaylussacia brachycera Box Huckleberry; | Endangered |
(163) | Gaylussacia nana Dwarf Dangleberry; | Endangered |
(164) | Gaylussacia orocola Appalachian Dwarf Huckleberry; | Endangered |
(165) | Gelsemium rankinii Swamp Jessamine; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(166) | Gentiana alba Pale Gentian; | Special Concern, Historical |
(167) | Gentiana latidens Balsalm Mountain Gentian; | Threatened |
(168) | Gentianopsis crinita Eastern Fringed Gentian; | Endangered |
(169) | Geum aleppicum Yellow Avens; | Endangered |
(170) | Geum geniculatum Bent Avens; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(171) | Geum laciniatum Rough Avens; | Endangered |
(172) | Geum radiatum** Spreading Avens; | Endangered |
(173) | Gillenia stipulata Indian Physic; | Threatened |
(174) | Glyceria laxa Lax Mannagrass; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(175) | Gratiola lutea Golden Hedge-hyssop; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(176) | Gymnocarpium appalachianum Appalachian Oak Fern; | Threatened |
(177) | Gymnoderma lineare** Rock Gnome Lichen; | Endangered |
(178) | Harperella nodosa [Ptilimnium nodosum]** Harperella; | Endangered |
(179) | Helanthium tenellum Dwarf Burhead; | Endangered |
(180) | Helenium brevifolium Littleleaf Sneezeweed; | Endangered |
(181) | Helenium vernale Spring Sneezeweed; | Endangered |
(182) | Helianthus floridanus Florida Sunflower; | Threatened |
(183) | Helianthus laevigatus Smooth Sunflower; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(184) | Helianthus occidenatlis ssp. occidentalis Naked-stem Sunflower; | Special Concern, Historical |
(185) | Helianthus schweinitzii** Schweinitz's Sunflower; | Endangered |
(186) | Helonias bullata** Swamp Pink; | Threatened |
(187) | Hexastylis contracta Mountain Heartleaf; | Endangered |
(188) | Hexastylis naniflora** Dwarf-flowered Heartleaf; | Threatened |
(189) | Hibiscus aculeatus Comfortroot; | Threatened |
(190) | Hottonia inflata Featherfoil; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(191) | Houstonia montana** Roan Mountain Bluet; | Endangered |
(192) | Hudsonia montana** Mountain Golden-heather; | Threatened |
(193) | Hudsonia tomentosa Sand Heather; | Threatened |
(194) | Hydrastis canadensis Goldenseal; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(195) | Hymenocallis occidentalis var. occidentalis Hillside Spider-lily; | Special Concern, Historical |
(196) | Hymenocallis pygmaea Waccamaw River Spiderlily; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(197) | Hypericum adpressum Bog St. John's-wort; | Special Concern, Historical |
(198) | Hypericum brachyphyllum Coastal Plain St. John's-wort; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(199) | Hypericum fasciculatum Peelbark St. John's-wort; | Endangered |
(200) | Hypericum radfordiorum Radford's St. John's-wort; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(201) | Hypericum suffruticosum Pineland St. John's-wort; | Special Concern, Historical |
(202) | Hypotrachyna virginica Virginia Loop Lichen; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(203) | Ilex collina Long-stalked Holly; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(204) | Ipomoea imperati Beach Morning-glory; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(205) | Ipomoea macrorhiza Manroot; | Special Concern, Historical |
(206) | Isoetes microvela Thin-wall Quillwort; | Threatened |
(207) | Isoetes piedmontana Piedmont Quillwort; | Threatened |
(208) | Isotria medeoloides** Small Whorled Pogonia; | Threatened |
(209) | Iva microcephala Small-headed Marsh Elder; | Threatened |
(210) | Jeffersonia diphylla Twinleaf: | Threatened |
(211) | Juncus articulatus Jointleafed Rush; | Special Concern, Historical |
(212) | Juncus caesariensis New Jersey Rush; | Endangered |
(213) | Juniperus communis var. depressa Dwarf Juniper; | Threatened |
(214) | Kalmia angustifolia Sheep-laurel; | Threatened |
(215) | Koeleria spicata Spike Trisetum; | Special Concern, Historical |
(216) | Lachnocaulon minus Brown Bogbutton; | Threatened |
(217) | Lechea maritima var. virginica Maritime Pinweed; | Threatened |
(218) | Lechea torreyi var. congesta Torrey's Pinweed; | Endangered |
(219) | Lejeunea blomquistii A liverwort; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(220) | Liatris aspera Rough Blazing-star; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(221) | Liatris helleri** Heller's Blazing-star; | Threatened |
(222) | Liatris microcephala Small-head Blazing-star; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(223) | Lilium canadense Canada Lily; | Endangered |
(224) | Lilium grayi Gray's Lily; | Threatened |
(225) | Lilium philadelphicum var. philadelphicum Endangered Wood Lily; | |
(226) | Lilium pyrophilum Sandhills Lily; | Endangered |
(227) | Limosella australis Awl-leaf, Mudwort; | Threatened |
(228) | Lindera melissifolia** Pondberry; | Endangered |
(229) | Lindera subcoriacea Bog Spicebush; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(230) | Linum floridanum var. chrysocarpum Yellow-fruited Flax; | Threatened |
(231) | Linum sulcatum Glade Flax; | Special Concern, Historical |
(232) | Liparis loeselii Fen Orchid; | Endangered |
(233) | Lithospermum canescens Hoary Puccoon; | Threatened |
(234) | Litsea aestivalis Pondspice; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(235) | Lobelia boykinii Boykin's Lobelia; | Endangered |
(236) | Lophiola aurea Golden-crest; | Endangered |
(237) | Ludwigia lanceolata Lanceleaf Seedbox; | Endangered |
(238) | Ludwigia linifolia Flaxleaf Seedbox; | Threatened |
(239) | Ludwigia ravenii Raven's Seedbox; | Endangered |
(240) | Ludwigia sphaerocarpa Globe-fruit Seedbox; | Endangered |
(241) | Ludwigia suffruticosa Shrubby Seedbox; | Threatened |
(242) | Lupinus villosus Pink Sandhill Lupine; | Endangered |
(243) | Lycopodiella inundata Northern Bog Clubmoss; | Endangered |
(244) | Lysimachia asperulifolia** Rough-leaf Loosestrife; | Endangered |
(245) | Lysimachia borealis Northern Starflower; | Threatened |
(246) | Lysimachia fraseri Fraser's Loosestrife; | Endangered |
(247) | Macbridea caroliniana Carolina Birds-in-a-Nest, Carolina Bogmint; | Endangered |
(248) | Magnolia macrophylla Bigleaf Magnolia; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(249) | Malaxis spicata Florida Adder's-mouth; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(250) | Marshallia grandiflora Large-flowered Barbara's-buttons; | Special Concern, Historical |
(251) | Marshallia legrandii Oak Barrens Barbara's-buttons; | Endangered |
(252) | Marshallia trinervia Broadleaf Barbara's-buttons; | Special Concern, Historical |
(253) | Melanthium woodii Ozark Bunchflower; | Threatened |
(254) | Melica nitens Three-flowered Melic; | Endangered |
(255) | Menyanthes trifoliata Buckbean; | Threatened |
(256) | Micranthes pensylvanica Swamp Saxifrage; | Endangered |
(257) | Mnesithea cylindrica Carolina Jointgrass; | Special Concern, Historical |
(258) | Mononeuria groenlandica Greenland Sandwort; | Threatened |
(259) | Mononeuria paludicola Godfrey's Sandwort; | Endangered |
(260) | Mononeuria uniflora Single-flowered Sandwort; | Endangered |
(261) | Moranopteris nimbata West Indian Dwarf Polypody; | Threatened |
(262) | Muhlenbergia glomerata Spiked Muhly; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(263) | Muhlenbergia sobolifera Rock Muhly; | Threatened |
(264) | Muhlenbergia torreyana Pinebarren Smokegrass; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(265) | Myrica gale Sweet Gale; | Endangered |
(266) | Myriophyllum laxum Loose Water-milfoil; | Endangered |
(267) | Myriophyllum tenellum Leafless Water-milfoil; | Endangered |
(268) | Nabalus albus White Rattlesnakeroot; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(269) | Narthecium montanum Appalachian Yellow Asphodel; | Special Concern, Historical |
(270) | Oenothera perennis Perennial Sundrops; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(271) | Oldenlandia boscii Bosc's Bluet; | Threatened |
(272) | Oligoneuron album Prairie Goldenrod; | Endangered |
(273) | Oligoneuron jacksonii Southeastern Bold Goldenrod; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(274) | Oligoneuron rigidum Midwestern Bold Goldenrod; | Threatened |
(275) | Orbexilum macrophyllum Bigleaf Scurfpea; | Special Concern, Historical |
(276) | Orbexilum onobrychis Lanceleaf Scurfpea; | Special Concern, Historical |
(277) | Orbexilum pedunculatum Western Sampson's Snakeroot; | Endangered |
(278) | Oreojuncus trifidus Highland Rush; | Threatened |
(279) | Orthochilus ecristatus Spiked Medusa; | Endangered |
(280) | Pachysandra procumbens Allegheny Spurge; | Endangered |
(281) | Packera crawfordii Crawford's Ragwort; | Endangered |
(282) | Packera millefolium Blue Ridge Ragwort; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(283) | Packera paupercula var. appalachiana Appalachian Ragwort; | Threatened |
(284) | Packera paupercula var. paupercula Balsam Ragwort; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(285) | Packera schweinitziana New England Ragwort; | Threatened |
(286) | Packera serpenticola Buck Creek Ragwort; | Threatened |
(287) | Palustricodon aparinoides var. aparinoides Marsh Bellflower; | Threatened |
(288) | Panicum flexile Wiry Panic Grass; | Threatened |
(289) | Parnassia caroliniana Carolina Grass-of-parnassus; | Threatened |
(290) | Parnassia grandifolia Bigleaf Grass-of-parnassus; | Threatened |
(291) | Paronychia herniarioides Michaux's Whitlow-wort; | Endangered |
(292) | Paspalum dissectum Mudbank Crown Grass; | Endangered |
(293) | Pedicularis lanceolata Swamp Lousewort; | Threatened |
(294) | Pellaea wrightiana Wright's Cliff-brake; | Endangered |
(295) | Persicaria hirsuta Hairy Smartweed; | Endangered |
(296) | Phacelia maculata Flatrock Phacelia; | Endangered |
(297) | Phegopteris connectilis Northern Beech Fern; | Endangered |
(298) | Phemeranthus piedmontanus Piedmont Rock-pink; | Endangered |
(299) | Pinguicula lutea Yellow Butterwort; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(300) | Pinguicula pumila Small Butterwort; | Threatened |
(301) | Pityopsis graminifolia A Silkgrass; | Endangered |
(302) | Plantago cordata Heart-leaf Plantain; | Endangered |
(303) | Plantago sparsiflora Pineland Plantain; | Threatened |
(304) | Platanthera herbiola Tubercled Rein Orchid; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(305) | Platanthera integra Yellow Fringeless Orchid; | Threatened |
(306) | Platanthera integrilabia** White Fringeless Orchid; | Threatened |
(307) | Platanthera nivea Snowy Orchid; | Endangered |
(308) | Platanthera peramoena Purple Fringeless Orchid; | Threatened |
(309) | Platanthera shriveri Shriver's Purple Fringed Orchid; | Endangered |
(310) | Poa saltuensis Old-pasture Bluegrass; | Threatened |
(311) | Polemonium reptans var. reptans Spreading Jacob's Ladder; | Threatened |
(312) | Polygala hookeri Hooker's Milkwort; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(313) | Polygala senega Seneca Snakeroot; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(314) | Polygonella articulata Northern Wireweed, Coast Jointweed; | Special Concern, Historical |
(315) | Polygonum glaucum Seabeach Knotweed; | Endangered |
(316) | Ponthieva racemosa Shadow-witch; | Threatened |
(317) | Portulaca smallii Small's Portulaca; | Threatened |
(318) | Potamogeton illinoensis Illinois Pondweed; | Endangered |
(319) | Primula meadia Eastern Shooting-star; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(320) | Pseudognaphalium helleri Heller's Rabbit-tobacco; | Endangered |
(321) | Ptilimnium costatum Big Bishop-weed; | Threatened |
(322) | Pyrola elliptica Elliptic Shinleaf; | Threatened |
(323) | Pyxidanthera brevifolia Sandhills Pyxie-moss; | Threatened |
(324) | Quercus elliottii Running Oak; | Endangered |
(325) | Quercus ilicifolia Bear Oak | Endangered |
(326) | Quercus minima Dwarf Live Oak; | Endangered |
(327) | Quercus prinoides Dwarf Chinquapin Oak; | Endangered |
(328) | Ranunculus ambigens Water-plantain Spearwort; | Special Concern, Historical |
(329) | Ranunculus hederaceus Ivy-leaved Water Crowfoot; | Threatened |
(330) | Rhexia aristosa Awned Meadow-beauty; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(331) | Rhodiola rosea Roseroot; | Endangered |
(332) | Rhododendron prinophyllum Election Pink; | Threatened |
(333) | Rhus michauxii** Michaux's Sumac; | Endangered |
(334) | Rhynchospora crinipes Alabama Beaksedge; | Threatened |
(335) | Rhynchospora decurrens Swamp Forest Beaksedge; | Threatened |
(336) | Rhynchospora harperi Harper's Beaksedge: | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(337) | Rhynchospora macra Southern White Beaksedge; | Threatened |
(338) | Rhynchospora microcarpa Southern Beaksedge; | Threatened |
(339) | Rhynchospora odorata Fragrant Beaksedge; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(340) | Rhynchospora pleiantha Coastal Beaksedge; | Threatened |
(341) | Rhynchospora thornei Thorne's Beaksedge; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(342) | Rhynchospora tracyi Tracy's Beaksedge; | Threatened |
(343) | Rubus strigosus American Red Raspberry; | Threatened |
(344) | Rudbeckia heliopsidis Sun-facing Coneflower; | Endangered |
(345) | Ruellia ciliosa Sandhills Wild-petunia; | Threatened |
(346) | Ruellia humilis Low Wild-petunia; | Threatened |
(347) | Ruellia purshiana Pursh's Wild-petunia; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(348) | Ruellia strepens Limestone Wild-petunia; | Endangered |
(349) | Sabal palmetto Cabbage Palmetto; | Threatened |
(350) | Sabatia kennedyana Plymouth Gentian; | Threatened |
(351) | Sageretia minutiflora Small-flowered Buckthorn; | Threatened |
(352) | Sagittaria chapmanii Chapman's Arrowhead; | Threatened |
(353) | Sagittaria fasciculata** Bunched Arrowhead; | Endangered |
(354) | Sagittaria isoetiformis Quillwort Arrowhead; | Threatened |
(355) | Sagittaria macrocarpa Streamhead Arrowhead; | Threatened |
(356) | Sagittaria weatherbiana Grassleaf Weatherby's Arrowhead; | Endangered |
(357) | Sarracenia jonesii** Mountain Sweet Pitcher Plant; | Endangered |
(358) | Sarracenia minor var. minor Hooded Pitcher Plant; | Endangered |
(359) | Sarracenia oreophila** Green Pitcher Plant; | Endangered |
(360) | Sarracenia purpurea var. montana Southern Appalachian Purple Pitcher Plant; | Endangered |
(361) | Sceptridium jenmanii Alabama Grape-fern; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(362) | Schisandra glabra Magnolia Vine; | Threatened |
(363) | Schwalbea americana** Chaffseed; | Endangered |
(364) | Scirpus flaccidifolius Reclining Bulrush; | Endangered |
(365) | Scirpus lineatus Drooping Bulrush; | Threatened |
(366) | Scleria baldwinii Baldwin's Nutrush; | Threatened |
(367) | Scleria bellii Smooth-seeded Hairy Nutrush; | Endangered |
(368) | Scleria reticularis Netted Nutrush; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(369) | Sclerolepis uniflora Sclerolepis; | Threatened |
(370) | Scutellaria australis Southern Skullcap; | Endangered |
(371) | Scutellaria galericulata Hooded Skullcap; | Special Concern, Historical |
(372) | Scutellaria leonardii Shale-barren Skullcap; | Endangered |
(373) | Scutellaria nervosa Veined Skullcap; | Endangered |
(374) | Sedum pusillum Puck's Orpine; | Endangered |
(375) | Senecio suaveolens Sweet Indian-plantain; | Endangered |
(376) | Sesuvium maritimum Slender Sea-purslane; | Endangered |
(377) | Sesuvium portulacastrum Shoreline Sea-purslane; | Endangered |
(378) | Seymeria pectinata ssp.pectinata Comb Seymeria; | Special Concern, Historical |
(379) | Shortia brevistyla Northern Oconee Bells; | Threatened |
(380) | Shortia galacifolia Southern Oconee Bells; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(381) | Sideroxylon tenax Tough Bumelia; | Threatened |
(382) | Silene ovata Mountain Catchfly; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(383) | Silphium connatum Virginia Cup-plant; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(384) | Silphium perfoliatum Common Cup-plant; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(385) | Sisyrinchium dichotomum** White Irisette; | Endangered |
(386) | Solidago leavenworthii Leavenworth's Goldenrod; | Endangered |
(387) | Solidago plumosa Yadkin River Goldenrod; | Threatened |
(388) | Solidago radula | Endangered |
Western Rough Goldenrod; | ||
(389) | Solidago spithamaea** Blue Ridge Goldenrod; | Threatened |
(390) | Solidago tortifolia Leafy Pineywoods Godenrod; | Endangered |
(391) | Solidago verna Spring-flowering Goldenrod; | Threatened |
(392) | Solidago villosicarpa Carolina Maritime Goldenrod: | Threatened |
(393) | Sparganium acaule Greenfruit Bur-reed; | Endangered |
(394) | Spartina pectinata Freshwater Cordgrass; | Threatened |
(395) | Sphagnum contortum Contorted Peatmoss; | Threatened |
(396) | Sphagnum warnstorfii Fen Peatmoss; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(397) | Spigelia marilandica Pink-root; | Threatened |
(398) | Spiraea corymbosa Rock Spiraea; | Endangered |
(399) | Spiraea virginiana** Virginia Spiraea; | Threatened |
(400) | Spiranthes lacera var. lacera Northern Slender Ladies'-tresses; | Endangered |
(401) | Spiranthes laciniata Lace-lip Ladies'-tresses; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(402) | Spiranthes longilabris Giant Spiral Orchid; | Endangered |
(403) | Spiranthes lucida Shining Ladies'-tresses; | Endangered |
(404) | Spiranthes ochroleuca Yellow Nodding Ladies'-tresses; | Threatened |
(405) | Sporobolus heterolepis Prairie Dropseed; | Threatened |
(406) | Sporobolus teretifolius Wireleaf Dropseed; | Endangered |
(407) | Sporobolus virginicus Seashore Dropseed; | Threatened |
(408) | Stachys appalachiana Appalachian Hedge-nettle; | Endangered |
(409) | Stachys eplingii Epling's Hedge-nettle; | Endangered |
(410) | Stachys matthewsii Yadkin Hedge-nettle; | Endangered |
(411) | Stenanthium gramineum Featherbells; | Endangered |
(412) | Stenanthium leimanthoides Pinebarrens Death-camas; | Threatened |
(413) | Stylisma aquatica Water Dawnflower; | Endangered |
(414) | Stylisma pickeringii var. pickeringii Pickering's Dawnflower; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(415) | Swida asperifolia Roughleaf Dogwood; | Endangered |
(416) | Swida racemose | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
Gray Dogwood; | ||
(417) | Symphyotrichum concinnum Narrow-leaved Smooth Aster; | Endangered |
(418) | Symphyotrichum depauperatum Serpentine Aster; | Endangered |
(419) | Symphyotrichum georgianum Georgia Aster; | Threatened |
(420) | Symphyotrichum oblongifolium Eastern Aromatic Aster; | Threatened |
(421) | Symphyotrichum rhiannon Buck Creek Aster; | Threatened |
(422) | Synandra hispidula Synandra; | Threatened |
(423) | Taxus canadensis Canada Yew; | Threatened |
(424) | Thalictrum cooleyi** Cooley's Meadowrue; | Endangered |
(425) | Thalictrum macrostylum Small-leaved Meadowrue; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(426) | Thaspium pinnatifidum Mountain Thaspium; | Endangered |
(427) | Thermopsis fraxinifolia Ash-leaved Golden-banner; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(428) | Tiedmannia [Oxypolis] canbyi** Canby's Dropwort; | Endangered |
(429) | Triantha glutinosa Sticky Bog Asphodel; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(430) | Trichostema brachiatum Glade Bluecurls; | Endangered |
(431) | Trichostema nesophilum Dune Bluecurls; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(432) | Tridens ambiguus Pineland Triodia; | Endangered |
(433) | Tridens chapmanii Chapman's Triodia; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(434) | Tridens strictus Spike Triodia; | Special Concern, Historical |
(435) | Trifolium carolinianum Carolina Clover; | Special Concern, Historical |
(436) | Trifolium reflexum Buffalo Clover; | Threatened |
(437) | Trillium discolor Pale Yellow Trillium; | Threatened |
(438) | Trillium flexipes Bent White Trillium; | Threatened |
(439) | Trillium pusillum var. ozarkanum Alabama Least Trillium; | Endangered |
(440) | Trillium pusillum var. pusillum Carolina Least Trillium; | Endangered |
(441) | Trillium pusillum var. virginianum Virginia Least Trillium; | Endangered |
(442) | Trillium recurvatum Prairie Trillium; | Threatened |
(443) | Trillium sessile Sessile-flowered Trillium; | Threatened |
(444) | Trillium simile | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
Sweet White Trillium; | ||
(445) | Turritis glabra Tower Mustard; | Endangered |
(446) | Urtica chamaedryoides Dwarf Stinging Nettle; | Threatened |
(447) | Utricularia cornuta Horned Bladderwort; | Threatened |
(448) | Utricularia geminiscapa Two-flowered Bladderwort; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(449) | Utricularia minor Small Bladderwort; | Special Concern, Historical |
(450) | Utricularia olivacea Dwarf Bladderwort: | Threatened |
(451) | Utricularia resupinata Northeastern Bladderwort; | Endangered |
(452) | Vaccinium macrocarpon Cranberry; | Threatened |
(453) | Vandenboschia boschiana Appalachian Filmy-fern; | Endangered |
(454) | Veronica americana American Speedwell; | Threatened |
(455) | Waldsteinia lobata Lobbed Barren-strawberry; | Endangered |
(456) | Warea cuneifolia Carolina Pineland-cress; | Endangered |
(457) | Woodsia ilvensis Rusty Cliff Fern; | Endangered |
(458) | Xyris floridana Florida Yellow-eyed-grass; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(459) | Xyris scabrifolia Roughleaf Yellow-eyed-grass; | Special Concern, Vulnerable |
(460) | Xyris serotina Acid-swamp Yellow-eyed-grass; | Special Concern, Historical |
(461) | Xyris stricta Pineland Yellow-eyed-grass; | Endangered |
(462) | Zephyranthes simpsonii Florida Atamasco-lily. | Endangered |
02 N.C. Admin. Code 48F .0301
Eff. July 1, 1980;
Amended Eff. December 1, 2010; August 1, 2006; March 1, 2004; July 1, 1998; April 1, 1993; December 1, 1992; September 1, 1991; August 1, 1990;
Pursuant to G.S. 150B-21.3A, rule is necessary without substantive public interest Eff. March 26, 2017;
Amended Eff. May 1, 2021.
Eff. July 1, 1980;
Amended Eff. December 1, 2010; August 1, 2006; March 1, 2004; July 1, 1998; April 1, 1993; December 1, 1992; September 1, 1991; August 1, 1990.