Part 250 - Purchasing Procedures And Purchases From Preferred Sources
- Section 250.0 - Operating principles, purpose, intent and applicability
- Section 250.1 - Definitions
- Section 250.2 - General provisions for purchasing commodities
- Section 250.3 - Investigations
- Section 250.4 - General provisions for purchasing services
- Section 250.5 - Process for conducting state procurements
- Section 250.6 - Discretionary buying thresholds
- Section 250.7 - Method of procurement
- Section 250.8 - Public notice
- Section 250.9 - Soliciting and accepting offers
- Section 250.10 - Letting of contracts
- Section 250.11 - Reasonableness of results
- Section 250.12 - Purpose of preferred sources
- Section 250.13 - Preferred status
- Section 250.14 - Public list of services and commodities provided by preferred sources
- Section 250.15 - Priority accorded preferred sources
- Section 250.16 - Prices charged by the department of correctional services
- Section 250.17 - Prices charges by agencies for the blind, other severely disabled and veterans' workshops
- Section 250.18 - Partnering with preferred sources
- Section 250.19 - Procedure for agency noncentralized printing purchases
- Section 250.20 - Special procedures for printing purchases
- Section 250.21 - Repealed