Part 4 - Executive Orders (Mario M. Cuomo)
- Part 4 - Executive Orders (Mario M. Cuomo)
- Section 4.1 - Executive Order No. 1: Relating to the continued validity of executive orders previously issued. [DAGGER]
- Section 4.2 - Executive order no. 2: establishing the position of state director of criminal justice
- Section 4.3 - Executive order no. 3: establishing a board of public disclosure
- Section 4.4 - Executive order no. 4: establishing the emergency task force on the homeless
- Section 4.5 - Executive Order No. 5: Establishing the Women's Division in the Executive Chamber. [*]
- Section 4.6 - Executive order no. 6: assigning responsibilities of the state department of civil service, and certain state agencies for insuring equal employment opportunity for minorities, women, disabled persons and vietnam era veterans in state government and establishing the governor's executive committee for affirmative action
- Section 4.7 - Executive order no. 7: establishing a governor's advisory committee for hispanic affairs
- Section 4.8 - Executive Order No. 8: Directing State agencies to consider labor relations practices when awarding State contracts. [*]
- Section 4.9 - Executive order no. 9: establishing the judicial screening committees
- Section 4.10 - Executive order no. 10: establishing a job training partnership committee
- Section 4.11 - Executive order no. 11: expanding the membership and powers of the securities coordinating committee
- Section 4.12 - Executive order no. 12: directing the state office for the aging to review and comment upon policies affecting the elderly
- Section 4.13 - Executive order no. 13: declaring a disaster emergency in the counties of broome, chautauqua, chemung and tioga and directing state agencies to assist local authorities
- Section 4.14 - Executive Order No. 14: Declaring a disaster emergency in the County of Oneida and directing State agencies to assist local authorities. [*][DAGGER]
- Section 4.15 - Executive order no. 15: establishing an interagency task force on acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids)
- Section 4.16 - Executive order no. 16: establishing the council on fiscal and economic priorities
- Section 4.17 - Executive Order No. 17: Establishing State Policy on Private Institutions which Discriminate
- Section 4.18 - Executive order no. 18: establishing the commission on domestic violence
- Section 4.19 - Executive order no. 19: new york state policy statement on sexual harassment in the workplace
- Section 4.20 - Executive order no. 20: establishing a temporary commission on allocation of power authority hydroelectric power
- Section 4.21 - Executive Order No. 21: Prescribing arrangements for establishing a State program for contract compliance and minority and women-owned business enterprise. [*][DAGGER][DOUBLE DAGGER]
- Section 4.22 - Executive order no. 22: establishing the task force on rural development
- Section 4.23 - Executive order no. 23: establishing the office of new york state ombudsman
- Section 4.24 - Executive order no. 24: establishing the select commission on the future of the state-local mental health system
- Section 4.25 - Executive order no. 25: establishing the new york state hazardous waste treatment facilities task force
- Section 4.26 - Executive order no. 26: directing the state office of advocate for the disabled to review comment upon policies affecting persons with disabilities
- Section 4.27 - Executive order no. 27: establishing the office of management and productivity
- Section 4.28 - Executive order no. 28: establishing a task force on sexual orientation discrimination
- Section 4.29 - Executive Order No. 29: Guidelines for the purchase of steel for use on construction contracts. [DOUBLE DAGGER]
- Section 4.30 - Executive order no. 30: declaring a disaster emergency in the city of buffalo and directing state agencies to assist local authorities
- Section 4.31 - Executive Order No. 31: Directing that the Chief of Staff to the Governor order into active service the organized militia to assist civil agencies and authorities in the City of Buffalo in disaster recovery efforts. [*][DAGGER]
- Section 4.32 - Executive order no. 32: renaming the new york state office of disaster preparedness to be the new york state emergency management office
- Section 4.33 - Executive order no. 33: directing the commissioner of environmental conservation to conduct an industrial chemical survey
- Section 4.34 - Executive order no. 34: establishing the new york state human rights advisory council
- Section 4.35 - Executive order no. 35: establishing the governor's advisory council on highway safety
- Section 4.36 - Executive order no. 36: establishing the new york state motion picture and television advisory board
- Section 4.37 - Executive order no. 37: establishing the governor's task force on adolescent pregnancy
- Section 4.38 - Executive order no. 38: declaring a disaster emergency in suffolk, nassau, and rockland counties, new york city and contiguous areas
- Section 4.39 - Executive order no. 39: declaring a disaster emergency in the counties of orange, sullivan, ulster and westchester, the city of yonkers and contiguous areas
- Section 4.40 - Executive Order No. 40: Declaring a disaster emergency in Dutchess County. [*][DAGGER]
- Section 4.41 - Executive order no. 41: establishing a comprehensive work force planning program
- Section 4.42 - Executive order no. 42: establishing the new york voluntary enterprise commission
- Section 4.43 - Executive order no. 43: establishing a state program for voter registration
- Section 4.44 - Executive order no. 44: declaring a disaster emergency in allegany county and portions of steuben county
- Section 4.45 - Executive order no. 45: establishing the state tourism executive committee
- Section 4.46 - Executive Order No. 46: Naming the State Office Building Campus in Albany the Governor W. Averell Harriman State Office Building Campus
- Section 4.47 - Executive order no. 47: declaring a disaster emergency in yates, allegany and steuben counties and contiguous areas
- Section 4.48 - Executive order no. 48: prescribing procedures to allocate the private activity bond volume ceiling under the deficit reduction act of 1984
- Section 4.49 - Executive Order No. 49: Establishing a Temporary Task Force on the New York Business Development Corporation. [*] [DAGGER]
- Section 4.50 - Executive order no. 50: prescribing supplemental procedures to allocate the private activity bond volume ceiling under the deficit reduction act of 1984
- Section 4.51 - Executive Order No. 51: Designating the Division of the Budget to coordinate the intergovernmental review of Federal programs. [*]
- Section 4.52 - Executive order no. 52: establishing the position of director of economic development
- Section 4.53 - Executive Order No. 53: Establishing a New York State Commission on Child Support. [*]
- Section 4.54 - Executive order no. 54: establishing the new york state commission on child care
- Section 4.55 - Executive order no. 55: establishing the state industrial cooperation council
- Section 4.56 - Executive order no. 56: establishing the new york state task force on life and the law
- Section 4.57 - Executive order no. 57: declaring a disaster emergency in the counties of lewis, herkimer, franklin, st. lawrence, oneida, oswego, jefferson and hamilton and contiguous areas
- Section 4.58 - Executive order no. 58: establishing a world trade council
- Section 4.59 - Executive order no. 59: declaring a disaster emergency in the counties of erie, genesee, niagara, orleans and wyoming and contiguous areas
- Section 4.60 - Executive Order No. 60: Directing that the Chief of Staff order into active service the organized militia to assist authorities in guaranteeing public safety and protecting property in the County of Erie. [*][DAGGER]
- Section 4.61 - Executive order no. 61: declaring a disaster emergency in the counties of jefferson and lewis and contiguous areas
- Section 4.62 - Executive Order No. 62: Declaring a disaster emergency in the Counties of Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Erie, Genesee, Niagara, Orleans and contiguous areas. [*][DAGGER]
- Section 4.63 - Executive Order No. 63: Creating the State Historical Records Advisory Board and the position of State Historical Records Coordinator. [*][DAGGER][DOUBLE DAGGER]
- Section 4.64 - Executive order no. 64: establishing the statewide bicycle advisory council
- Section 4.65 - Executive order no. 65: appointing special commissioners to investigate the faithful execution of the laws and the relationship between government and police misconduct in the use of force
- Section 4.66 - Executive order no. 66: establishing a governor's advisory committee for black affairs
- Section 4.67 - Executive order no. 67: establishing the position of director of housing
- Section 4.68 - Executive order no. 68: declaring a disaster emergency in the counties of delaware, dutchess, orange, putnam, rockland, sullivan, ulster and westchester, the city of new york, and contiguous areas
- Section 4.69 - Executive Order No. 69: Designating Justice Felice K. Shea to hold an Extraordinary Special and Trial Term of the Supreme Court in and for the County of New York, in place of Justice Ernst H. Rosenberger. [DAGGER][DOUBLE DAGGER]
- Section 4.70 - Executive order no. 70: designating justice felice k. shea to hold an extraordinary special and trial term of the supreme court in and for the county of bronx, in place of justice ernst h. rosenberger
- Section 4.71 - Executive Order No. 71: Designating Justice Felice K. Shea to hold an Extraordinary Special and Trial Term of the Supreme Court in and for the County of Queens, in place of Justice Ernst H. Rosenberger. [*][DAGGER]
- Section 4.72 - Executive order no. 72: designating justice felice k. shea to hold an extraordinary special and trial term of the supreme court in and for the county of kings, in place of justice ernst h. rosenberger
- Section 4.73 - Executive Order No. 73: Designating Justice Felice K. Shea to hold an Extraordinary Special and Trial Term of the Supreme Court in and for the County of Richmond, in place of Justice Ernst H. Rosenberger. [*][DAGGER]
- Section 4.74 - Executive order no. 74: establishing a state records management council
- Section 4.75 - Executive order no. 75: declaring a disaster emergency in new york city, nassau, suffolk, westchester, rockland, orange and putnam counties and contiguous areas
- Section 4.76 - Executive Order No. 76: Directing that the Vice Chief of Staff order into active service the organized militia to assist authorities in guaranteeing public safety and protecting property in New York City, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, Rockland, Orange and Putnam Counties and contiguous areas. [*][DAGGER]
- Section 4.77 - Executive order no. 77: establishing membership of the martin luther king, jr. commission
- Section 4.78 - Executive order no. 78: establishing an advisory commission to make findings and recommendations about problems relating to liability insurance
- Section 4.79 - Executive order no. 79: establishing the office of state inspector general
- Section 4.80 - Executive Order No. 80: Juvenile justice planning
- Section 4.81 - Executive order no. 81: designating justice david s. ritter to hold an extraordinary special and trial term of the supreme court in the county of new york
- Section 4.82 - Executive order no. 82: establishing the governor's office for hispanic affairs
- Section 4.83 - Executive order no. 83: requiring attorney general to supersede district attorney of jefferson county with reference to certain criminal proceedings
- Section 4.84 - Executive order no. 84: declaring a disaster emergency in cattaraugus and chautauqua counties and contiguous areas
- Section 4.85 - Executive order no. 85: establishing the governor's school and business alliance task force
- Section 4.86 - Executive order no. 86: establishing the office of state inspector general
- Section 4.87 - Executive order no. 87: prescribing procedures to allocate the unified state bond volume ceiling under the tax reform act of 1986
- Section 4.88 - Executive order no. 88: appointing special commissioners to investigate instances of corruption in the administration of government and to determine the adequacy of laws, regulations and procedures relating to government integrity
- Section 4.89 - Executive order no. 89: requiring attorney general to supersede district attorney of queens county with reference to certain criminal proceedings
- Section 4.90 - Executive order no. 90: establishing a governor's task force on bias-related violence
- Section 4.91 - Executive order no. 91: prescribing procedures to allocate the state low income housing credit under the tax reform act of 1986
- Section 4.92 - Executive order no. 92: designating acting supreme court justice marie g. santagata to hold an extraordinary special and trial term of the supreme court in the county of new york, in place of justice david s. ritter
- Section 4.93 - Executive Order No. 93: Declaring a disaster emergency in Schoharie, Montgomery and Ulster Counties and contiguous areas. [**][DAGGER]
- Section 4.94 - Executive order no. 94: declaring a disaster emergency in delaware and greene counties and contiguous areas
- Section 4.95 - Executive Order No. 95: Designating the Disaster Preparedness Commission as the State Emergency Response Commission
- Section 4.96 - Executive order no. 96: promoting a new york state policy against age discrimination in the workplace
- Section 4.97 - Executive order no. 97: designating the governor's traffic safety committee as the state agency to coordinate and approve state highway safety programs
- Section 4.98 - Executive order no. 98: establishing a new state council on graduate medical education
- Section 4.99 - Executive order no. 99: restructuring the interagency task force on acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids)
- Section 4.100 - Executive Order No. 100: Naming the Watertown State Office Building the Dulles State Office Building
- Section 4.101 - Executive order no. 101: establishing the governor's office for voluntary service
- Section 4.102 - Executive order no. 102: declaring a disaster emergency in the counties of albany, columbia, dutchess, greene, montgomery, rensselaer and contiguous areas
- Section 4.103 - Executive order no. 103: establishing the office of state inspector general
- Section 4.104 - Executive order no. 104: establishing a task force on encouraging electoral participation
- Section 4.105 - Executive order no. 105: establishing the governor's task force on work and family
- Section 4.106 - Executive order no. 106: requiring attorney general to supersede district attorney of dutchess county with reference to certain proceedings involving tawana brawley
- Section 4.107 - Executive Order No. 107: Declaring a disaster emergency in the County of Suffolk. [DAGGER][DOUBLE DAGGER]
- Section 4.108 - Executive order no. 108: establishing a regulatory reform program
- Section 4.109 - Executive order no. 109: establishing the committee to review requests for the appointment of a special prosecutor
- Section 4.110 - Executive Order No. 110: Directing attendance of Attorney General at term of the Supreme Court, Bronx County. [*][DAGGER]
- Section 4.111 - Executive Order No. 111: Directing the Attorney General to inquire into matters of bias-related crimes
- Section 4.112 - Executive order no. 112: establishing the new york state christopher columbus quincentenary commission
- Section 4.113 - Executive Order No. 113: Directing the State Committee on Geographic Names to establish a procedure to identify and eliminate problem names from all State maps. [*]
- Section 4.114 - Executive Order No. 114: Naming the Poughkeepsie State Office Building the Eleanor Roosevelt State Office Building
- Section 4.115 - Executive order no. 115: requiring attorney general to supersede district attorney of hamilton county with reference to certain criminal investigations and proceedings involving judge william h. intemann, jr
- Section 4.116 - Executive order no. 116: continuing the office of management and productivity
- Section 4.117 - Executive order no. 117: abolishing the board of public disclosure
- Section 4.118 - Executive order no. 118: establishing an integrated energy resource planning process to be jointly implemented by the state energy office and the departments of public service and environmental conservation
- Section 4.119 - Executive order no. 119: reconstituting the job training partnership committee
- Section 4.120 - Executive order no. 120: establishing the statewide anti-drug abuse council
- Section 4.121 - Executive order no. 121: declaring a disaster emergency in the counties of delaware, dutchess, greene, orange, otsego, putnam, rockland, schoharie, sullivan, ulster and westchester, the city of new york, and contiguous areas
- Section 4.122 - Executive order no. 122: requiring attorney general to supersede district attorney of orange county with reference to certain proceedings and the investigation of the death of jimmy lee bruce, jr
- Section 4.123 - Executive order no. 123: establishing the office for the prevention of domestic violence
- Section 4.124 - Executive order no. 124: requiring attorney general to supersede district attorney of suffolk county with reference to certain proceedings and the investigation of illegal eavesdropping and perjury allegations
- Section 4.125 - Executive order no. 125: establishing a council of contracting agencies
- Section 4.126 - Executive order no. 126: establishing a task force on rape and sexual assault
- Section 4.127 - Executive order no. 127: establishing the not-for-profit contracting process
- Section 4.128 - Executive Order No. 128: Requiring Attorney General to supersede District Attorney of Kings County with reference to certain criminal proceedings. [*][DAGGER]
- Section 4.129 - Executive Order No. 129: Implementation, operation and enforcement of New York State's Returnable Container Act. [*][DAGGER]
- Section 4.130 - Executive order no. 130: creating a crime proceeds strike force to investigate and prosecute certain economic activities constituting penal, tax, and banking law violations relating to money laundering
- Section 4.131 - Executive order no. 131: establishing administrative adjudication plans
- Section 4.132 - Executive order no. 132: establishing a state facilities energy conservation program
- Section 4.133 - Executive order no. 133: establishing the forms simplification/reduction program advisory council
- Section 4.134 - Executive order no. 134: establishing the judicial screening committees
- Section 4.135 - Executive order no. 135: prescribing procedures to allocate the state low income housing credit under the tax reform act of 1986, as amended
- Section 4.136 - Executive order no. 136: establishing a state program for voter registration
- Section 4.137 - Executive order no. 137: establishing a committee for the implementation of real property asset management and policy
- Section 4.138 - Executive order no. 138: requiring attorney general to supersede district attorney of orleans county with reference to certain proceedings and the investigation of unlawful acts in relation to a conservatorship in orleans county
- Section 4.139 - Executive order no. 139: termination of requirement of attorney general in relation to certain crimes committed by public servants in the counties of new york, bronx, queens, kings and richmond
- Section 4.140 - Executive order no. 140: establishing the new york state task force on implementation of the americans with disabilities act of 1990
- Section 4.141 - Executive order no. 141: authorizing the citizen's utility board access to state agency mailings
- Section 4.142 - Executive order no. 142: establishing new waste reduction and recycling initiatives for state agencies
- Section 4.143 - Executive order no. 143: declaring a disaster emergency in the counties of allegany, jefferson, livingston, monroe, ontario and wayne and contiguous areas
- Section 4.144 - Executive order no. 144: requiring attorney general to supersede district attorney of nassau county with reference to certain proceedings and the investigation of the death of ricky mccargo
- Section 4.145 - Executive order no. 145: establishing the position of state director of health, education and human services
- Section 4.146 - Executive order no. 146: establishing the position of state director of housing
- Section 4.147 - Executive order no. 147: establishing an office of indian relations
- Section 4.148 - Executive order no. 148: declaring a disaster emergency in the counties of nassau and suffolk and contiguous areas
- Section 4.149 - Executive order no. 149: toward a diverse judiciary - task force on minorities on the bench
- Section 4.150 - Executive Order No. 150: New land use and development by State agencies within the Adirondack Park
- Section 4.151 - Executive order no. 151: the adirondack park centennial
- Section 4.152 - Executive Order No. 152: Declaring a Disaster Emergency in Nassau and Suffolk Counties, the City of New York and Contiguous Areas. [*][DAGGER]
- Section 4.153 - Executive order no. 153: establishing an advisory council on long island transportation development
- Section 4.154 - Executive order no. 154: creating a task force on sexual harassment
- Section 4.155 - Executive order no. 155: establishing the new york state advisory commission on racing in the 21st century
- Section 4.156 - Executive order no. 156: establishing a negotiated rule making program
- Section 4.157 - Executive order no. 157: the governor's council on lifetime health, fitness and sports
- Section 4.158 - Executive Order No. 158: Naming the New Scotland Avenue Laboratory Building the David Axelrod Institute for Public Health
- Section 4.159 - Executive order no. 159: establishing the new york savings bond program committee
- Section 4.160 - Executive order no. 160: directing a review of the criminal investigation and prosecution arising from the murder of yankel rosenbaum
- Section 4.161 - Executive order no. 161: establishing the temporary state commission on judicial compensation
- Section 4.162 - Executive order no. 162: declaring a disaster emergency in the counties of nassau, suffolk, westchester and rockland counties and the city of new york and contiguous areas
- Section 4.163 - Executive order no. 163: directing that the adjutant general order into active service the organized militia to assist civil agencies and authorities in nassau, suffolk, westchester and rockland counties, the city of new york and their contiguous areas in disaster recovery efforts
- Section 4.164 - Executive order no. 164: establishing quality through participation in state government
- Section 4.165 - Executive Order No. 165: Requiring Attorney General to supersede District Attorney of Delaware County with reference to certain proceedings and the investigation of alleged acts of evidence tampering and perjury by employees or former employees of the Division of State Police. [*]
- Section 4.166 - Executive Order No. 166: Declaring a Disaster Emergency in the State of New York. [*][DAGGER]
- Section 4.167 - Executive Order No. 167: Directing that the Adjutant General Order into Active Service the Organized Militia to Assist Civil Agencies and Authorities in New York State in Disaster Recovery Efforts. [DAGGER][DOUBLE DAGGER]
- Section 4.168 - Executive order no. 168: directing the merger of the office of management and productivity into the office of business permits and regulatory assistance
- Section 4.169 - Executive order no. 169: directing state agencies to act consistently with the upper delaware river management plan
- Section 4.170 - Executive order no. 170: establishing uniform guidelines for determining the responsibility of bidders
- Section 4.171 - Executive order no. 171: appointing a special commission on educational structure, policies and practices
- Section 4.172 - Executive order no. 172: establishing a temporary commission on constitutional revision
- Section 4.173 - Executive order no. 173: establishing public authorities accountability
- Section 4.174 - Executive order no. 174: requiring attorney general to supersede district attorney of westchester county with respect to the investigation of the death of kevin turner
- Section 4.175 - Executive Order No. 175: Requiring Attorney General to supersede District Attorney of Warren County with respect to the investigation into the allegations regarding William Montgomery and Jeffrey Matte. [*][DAGGER]
- Section 4.176 - Executive order no. 176: establishing a task force on military base conversion
- Section 4.177 - Executive order no. 177: establishing a commission for the study of youth crime and violence and reform of the juvenile justice system
- Section 4.178 - Executive order no. 178: establishing the temporary task force on health insurance for retired educational employees
- Section 4.179 - Executive order no. 179: establishing the new york state commission on national and community service
- Section 4.180 - Executive order no. 180: requiring attorney general to supersede district attorney of st. lawrence county with respect to the investigation into the allegations involving mario pistolesi, mark hartle, david cummings, michael curcio and greg streeter
- Section 4.181 - Executive Order No. 181: Establishing a Commission to Investigate the Implementation, Operation and Enforcement of the Returnable Container Act. [*][DAGGER]
- Section 4.182 - Executive order no. 182: establishing a temporary commission on high speed rail and maglev transportation development
- Section 4.183 - Executive order no. 183: requiring the attorney general to supersede the district attorney of seneca county with respect to the investigation into allegations regarding the operations of the seneca county sheriff's department
- Section 4.184 - Executive order no. 184: requiring the attorney general to supersede the district attorney of delaware county with respect to the prosecution of the homicide allegations regarding john spencer
- Section 4.185 - Executive order no. 185: establishing a permanent labor/management committee on workers' compensation reform
- Section 4.186 - Executive order no. 186: creating a task force on the skills, training and career advancement of direct care workers providing services to individuals with disabilities
- Section 4.187 - Executive order no. 187: advancing the governor's excelsior award program as a continuing cooperative effort between excelsior award, inc. and the state of new york
- Section 4.188 - Executive order no. 188: increasing the participation of health care consumers in government advisory bodies
- Section 4.189 - Executive order no. 189: limiting the influence of lobbyists on the state agency procurement process