Emphasis during 1977-78 will be on programs dealing with instructional and educational management systems, pupil and program assessments and innovative and exemplary programs involving the concept of accountability. Planning will be initiated in the State Education Department to identify and prioritize the most critical educational needs of handicapped children during 1977-78 for use in guiding the funding of projects in 1978-79.
The Office for title IV-part C and the Office for Education of Children with Handicapping Conditions will develop an operational plan that will set forth the activities necessary to determine the most critical educational needs of handicapped children. The plan will provide for a review of critical educational needs in this area as already identified in department surveys, Area Learning Resource Center (ALRC)/Special Education Instructional Materials Center (SEIMC) needs assessment strategies, reports, goals statement, position paper number 20, the Regents current priority statement and a National Needs Assessment Project being conducted by the National Center on Educational Media and Materials for the Handicapped. The plan will set forth the means by which current needs are to be consolidated and arranged in order of significance.
Eligible applicants may submit handicap proposals for the following type grants: developer, validation, demonstration/replication. The review procedures for handicap grants will include application of the same criteria for approval as stated in section 2302.32 of this Part.
The Office for title IV-part C, the Office of Education of Children with Handicapping Conditions, the Educational Programs Study Information Service (EPSIS) Office, and the Office of Optional Educational Programs (OEP) will search and attempt to identify potential model programs to be recommended for validation and adoption in the priority area. Dissemination will occur, in part, through the SEIMC (Special Education Instructional Materials Center) network of associate centers throughout the State.
In addition to funds for title IV-part C handicapped grants as described in the foregoing, assistance will be made available to school districts and BOCES (Boards of Cooperative Educational Services) for the further refinement of local district or area-wide planning efforts in the continued development of accountability measures for handicapped programs funded under additional apportionment State aid and BOCES State aid.
A monitoring committee for all title IV-part C projects will be organized by the Office of title IV-part C, including representatives of the Office for Education of Children with Handicapping Conditions, the Bureau of Urban and Community Programs Evaluation, the Office of Elementary, Secondary and Continuing Education Program Planning, the Division of Pupil Personnel Services, the Bureau of School District Organization and related offices. The group will specify key objectives and activities necessary to obtain the intent of the foregoing policy.
Handicap projects which call for the repair, remodeling, or construction of facilities shall be accessible to and usable by handicapped persons.
As a condition for approval, the State's manual, guidelines and application forms will require adherence by applicants to this policy.
Appropriate State education personnel responsible for the education of children with handicapping conditions will participate in and make recommendations on all aspects of the annual program plan and all projects pertaining to the handicapped, including the establishment of priorities, the development of requests for proposals, and the monitoring and evaluation of programs and projects.
The following activities indicate the extent to which the State's handicapped specialists have been involved in the annual plan and how they will be involved in the operation of the program.
Table 1
Estimated Percentage Distribution Among Types of Grants For Fiscal Year 1978 Local Assistance Funds
Developer | Validation | Demonstration | Replication | Total | |
FY 1978 | 46% | 1% | 29% | 24% | 100% |
Table 2
Local Assistance* IV-C fiscal year 1978
Program priority | Funds allotted |
Handicapped | $ 1,785,515 |
Basic skills | 3,658,871 |
Curriculum and teaching | 2,042,152 |
Gifted | 726,322 |
Management of learning | 1,040,761 |
Health nutrition dropout | 567,192 |
Mini-projects | 1,000,000 |
State/national diffusion | 1,082,619 |
$ 11,903,432 | |
Available for local assistance | $ 11,903,432 |
Part C allocation | 14,640,122 |
Title V | 2,736,690 |
Administration | 596,632 |
N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 8 § 2302.35