N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 8 § 2302.28

Current through Register Vol. 46, No. 53, December 31, 2024
Section 2302.28 - Program for strengthening leadership resources of State educational agencies-activity G

Expanding educational opportunities.

(a)Specific objective.

The objective is to promote and encourage the expansion of educational opportunities in order to continuously anticipate and meet the diverse and changing needs of individuals in New York State.

(b)Specific activities.
(1) Support for educational exchange and comparative education.
(i) Serving as a clearinghouse for information on teacher exchange, student travel, and study abroad programs for all local school districts in New York State.

Work tasksAnticipated accomplishments or products-due date
1. Inclusion in newsletters and announcements of relevant information and by personal correspondence.Mailings to all local school districts and relevant supervisors

(ii) Assisting local community leaders in developing a knowledge of other peoples and nations.

Work tasksAnticipated accomplishments or products-due date
1. Programming foreign visitors to localities for varying lengths of time.An estimated 500 will be programmed by June 1978
2. Working with established local community groups to develop public awareness of major global issues.Organization of at least one conference for this purpose
3. Serving as a liaison with national agencies in promoting international exchange and training programs.Joint projects will be initiated through the National Council for Community Services
4. Strengthening the department's knowledge of foreign educational practices.Exchange of instructional material with other nations, reviewing materials in foreign area studies produced by other units hosting an anticipated 200 foreign visitors who will come to observe department activities

(iii) Fostering an intercultural dimension in local schools and in government with person-to-person programs.

Work tasksAnticipated accomplishments or products-due date
1. Cooperating in student exchange programs.

(2) Develop programs in non-western studies.
(i) To provide local communities, civic organizations, and leaders in commerce, industry and labor with an opportunity to study world economic, social and cultural forces on the State and its communities.

Work tasksAnticipated accomplishments or products-due date
1. Three regional forums.Development of better understanding of key issues of interdependence-200 community leaders-June 30, 1978
2. Development of a handbook of data on the interdependence of New York State economy.Distribution of handbook to schools and communities in New York State-June 1978
3. Development of network of community leaders in this State who can assist in later community projects and public forums.Lists of key community leaders and State Education Department personnel-June 1978

(ii) To develop greater knowledge and respect for the achievements of other cultures and to develop comprehension of the continuities and cultural transfers among cultures.

Work tasksAnticipated accomplishments or products-due date
1. Planning an overseas seminar in India for the summer of 1978.Development of teaching units on India by 20 teachers and curriculum coordinators available to all 745 school districts and to all college faculty in New York State
2. Creating teaching materials for college level and pre-collegiate level students about the life and culture of India.Production and dissemination of 12 teaching units, experimental lesson plans, bibliographies, audiovisual materials, case study materials, etc. on India-June 1978
3. Programming a foreign curriculum consultant from Latin America to schools in New York State.Fifty schools and 100 teachers and their classes will participate in the program, resulting bibliography will be available to all school districts in New York State
4. Advising school districts about recent instructional materials in international studies and global studies and grants for study abroad.Dissemination of newsletters, announcements and free materials to all school districts in New York State and 11,000 individuals
5. Advising school leaders and college administrators on funding possibilities for international studies.Holding of a conference on funding-Spring 1978-dissemination of information in newsletters to all colleges in New York State.
6. Sponsorship of teacher workshops and in-service seminars on non-western cultures.Three workshops on three different culture regions will be conducted. Up to 600 key teachers will be invited to attend-by June 1978
7. Promulgating the results of recent scholarship in area studies, e.g., Asian, African, Latin American studies to scholars at college and university level.Publication of bibliographies and guides under Federally funded bibliography projects of the foreign area materials, over 500

(iii) Encouraging regional, national, inter-institutional cooperation in international studies.

Work tasksAnticipated accomplishments or product-due date
1. Publication of materials citing opportunities for cooperation.Publication of a newsletter of the intercultural studies information service which is distributed to institutions of higher learning in the United States. At least one conference on extrinsic funding sources to be conducted before June 1978

(3) Support of statewide committee on educational opportunity.
(i) Improving the department's capacity for planning, analysis, research and evaluation in the area of providing postsecondary access to disadvantaged populations.

Work tasksAnticipated accomplishments or products-due date
1. Better understanding of performance indicators for minority students. Staff collect data from all programs and prepare analysis.Dissemination of results in publication and at conferences-spring 1978
2. Research sponsored by committee is undertaken.Report on RIT -Model- spring 1978
3. Publications by the committee of its sponsored conferences.September 1977

(ii) Coordination of State and Federal legislation aimed at the disadvantaged student population.

Work tasksAnticipated accomplishments or products-due date
1. Staff collect data and prepare analyses on existing law, rules and regulations-State and Federal.Report to committee-fall 1977
2. Committee prepares recommendations and delivers testimony.Clearer Federal and State laws and regulations-spring 1978

(iii) Improve the Education Department's capabilities for providing services and assistance to educational institutions by developing and promoting educational programs and practices that meet the diverse and changing needs of individuals of New York State.

Work tasksAnticipated accomplishments or products-due date
1. Staff work with all sectors to secure agreement on common data formats and definitions. Publications-fall 1977
2. Individual program managers receive technical assistance from staff.Improved programs-fall 1977 and spring 1978
3. Staff analyses presented to committee and committee directs dissemination.Dissemination through media, conferences, publications, professional contacts and legislative staff seminars-summer/fall 1977 and spring 1978

(4) Museum education and extension.
(i) Make available, to schools throughout the State, museum objects, specimens and interpretive materials on a loan basis.

Work tasksAnticipated accomplishments or products-due date
1. Assemble and distribute loan kits.Approximately 70,000 children utilizing 2,500 individual kits will receive a unit of education based museum material-1978

(ii) Encourage and support the initiation and expansion of education programs sponsored by museums for schools.

Work tasksAnticipated accomplishments or products-due date
1. Guide the development of museum activities in support of education.Museum trustees, directors and their representatives will be advised by the Museum Extension Office regarding their functions and programs under Education Law-1978
2. Visit museums.Present and proposed education programs sponsored by museums in New York will be evaluated
3. Disseminate information about museum education practices.Information about successful programs will appear in the quarterly publication "Museums in the News"-1978

(iii) Develop and improve educational activities for schools visiting the state museum as a model for other museums throughout the State.

Work tasksAnticipated accomplishments or products-due date
1. Provide museum services to children visiting the State museum and provide learning guides for use in schools.Approximately 25,000 school children from surrounding communities will receive instruction from the museum education staff An additional 25,000 will use learning guides prepared by the education staff and distributed through school teachers

(5) Consultative services for colleges and university financial assistance programs.
(i) Review and develop student financial aid programs for purposes of post secondary planning.

Work tasksAnticipated accomplishments or products-due date
1. Assist in the annual mandated evaluation of the State student financial aid programs administered by the New York Higher Education Services Corporation. Help prepare evaluation report to be submitted to the Governor and legislature with regents recommendations.A report by the Board of Regents to the Governor and legislature on State student financial aid programs-December 1, 1978
2. Assist in the annual review of the budget of the New York Higher Education Services Corporation.Report by the Board of Regents on HESC budget-September 1, 1977
3. Participate in preparation of regents legislative proposals on State and Federal student financial aid programs.Brochures by the Board of Regents on State and Federal student financial aid programs- October 1, 1977
4. Provide advice in development and amendment of commissioner's regulations on State student financial aid programs, including such matters as full and part-time study, use of awards in approved programs and determinations on other awards that are concurrent with State awards.Regulations of Board of Regents on State student financial aid program-June 30, 1978
5. Analyze relationship of Federal and State student aid programs and their impact on financing of post-secondary study.Reports to Deputy Commissioner of Higher and Professional Education -June 30, 1978
6. Attend conferences related to student financial aid programs and maintain liaison with State and Federal agencies and associations as well as national associations such as the College Board, College Scholarship Services and the National Association of State Scholarship and Grant Programs.Reports to Deputy Commissioner of Higher and Professional Education -June 30, 1978

N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 8 § 2302.28